pilates..... any thoughts

natzkj Posts: 127 Member
Has anyone got any thoughts on pilates? I fancy doin this, i was told by my physio that it would help my shoulder. Has anyone done pilates? what did you think?


  • I used to do it and really liked it. Although quite slow and controlled the next day I certainly felt like I'd had a workout.
    Great for your core, so your posture etc...
    Definitely give it a go, you might love it.
    I prefer to really push myself and get a good sweat on now though and can no longer make the lunchtime class i used to do so haven't done it for a few months now.
    Enjoy - H x
  • softballsharie
    softballsharie Posts: 154 Member
    I do pilates once a week, and I think it's wonderful for the core! You definitely come out of there thinking "Wow, I didn't even know I had muscles there!" haha. I love it, though! It's worth a shot, you may fall in love too!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    not going to lie.. i misread the topic title.. thought this was about pirates.. my B:tongue:
  • furby1
    furby1 Posts: 114 Member
    Have just finished a 7 week beginners course and have booked another course straight away. After lot of research I decided to find a STOTT pilates instructor. The difference between contempory and Stott pilates, is that Stotts have refined the origional exercises based on what has been found out about the body over the last 2 decades. My instructot has also modified a couple of the exercises for me personnally, taking into account my back problems.

    I have chronic back problems and was worried that I might end up worsening the problems but that has not been the case. I'm already finding that my core muscles are stronger, I have better balance and I am learning how to breathe correctly especially when exercising and I am feeling fiitter and better in myself . I also feel that with time it will begin to tone me.

    It may not be the most energetic of exercise programs but I would strongly advice it.....I also suggest that before you book a class that you look into the qualifications of your instructor...good luck :)
  • cara4art
    cara4art Posts: 48 Member
    It's not a huge calorie burner, but it has too many benefits to discount it on account of that. I've taken Pilates mat class for about a year and a half from a really awesome teacher, and I've learned so much. One thing being that the deeper moves of Pilates, which get to muscles not addressed by traditional "ab" exercises, and that although Pilates is billed as being terrific for abs, done correctly it's actually a full-body exercise system in itself. One develops of course a very strong mid-section, pulled in(even if one doesn't lose all that much fat), posture totally improves, one's whole core situation improves(which of course includes both abdominal area, back muscles and even glutes), and one feels balanced and de stressed afterward because the exercises are done in a particular sequence balancing moves one way, with moves going the other way. Add a sensible diet, cardio, and some basic weight training to this and one can't help but get in better, sleeker shape. A final word, although Pilates strengthens, one doesn't bulk. The latter only happens if first of all one is genetically-inclined in that direction, AND following a heavy weight-training program and eating a ton! Then there's the "chemical help" which most people who are simply into training for health and fitness avoid like the plague!
  • skywater11
    skywater11 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree - Pilates has many benefits in terms of strength, stability and much more. Wish there was a way to enter pilates info on myfitnesspal easily for strength training. I've been doing pilates with a certified instructor for 2 years and have benefitted greatly.
  • I just had my first class. Not sure atm, it didn't feel entirely natural and my neck hurts, was probably doing it wrong.
  • BrownEyedSister
    BrownEyedSister Posts: 74 Member
    For some reason I struggle to exercise on Mondays. I just can't seem to get enthused. So for now, my go-to workout is one of my Pilates videos. So far, so good in my opinion. I'm working out and that's what counts in my books.

    And I had a small NSV yesterday. For the first time I was able to perform a rollup - all the way! No need to modify the move. Progress is being made.