Gaining Weight on Insanity



  • Dhanupadmanabhan
    Help! I am doing Insanity and currently on week 4, month 1. I had lost 2.5 lbs the first two weeks, but this last couple of weeks, i have put back on the lost weight. I push myself and give my best doing the intense workout. I seem a little bigger than the last 2 weeks. i can't say from my clothes. Because they seem to fit alright. But i look a little bigger on my upper body. I read the nutrition plan, i have upped my calorie intake as recommended. Could that be the problem? I have also read posts that we tend to put on weight the first two weeks because of the new workout program. In my case, this is happening after the first 3 weeks which doesn't seem right and downright discouraging. What am i doing wrong?? Any help would be appreciated!