you know you have kids when.........



  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    When you no longer call your spouse by their name but instead you call them "mommy" or "daddy"

    Of course you could just have an odd relationship and still do this without kids... :laugh:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    When you no longer call your spouse by their name but instead you call them "mommy" or "daddy"

    Of course you could just have an odd relationship and still do this without kids... :laugh:

    guilty. and my parents are no longer called mom & dad they're now Grandpa & Gramma. :tongue:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    When you are pouring punch at holiday functions and you always put about 1/4 cup in every glass, even the adult's glasses.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    when you go to the store by yourself and yet you still open the back doors of your van.

    done that a time or two
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    When your toddler is going to puke on an airplane (or other confined space that you don't want to get messy) and your first instinct is to try and catch it in your hand. :ohwell:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    When your toddler is going to puke on an airplane (or other confined space that you don't want to get messy) and your first instinct is to try and catch it in your hand. :ohwell:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: BAHAHAHA I actually laughed out loud at this one. That is THE moment you realize you're a mommy. When you're willing to catch vomit in your bare hands. :laugh: And we've ALL been there. :smile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Oh the things I have to look forward to!:laugh: What a great thread!!!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    You accidentally leave the bathroom door open when friends are over, just because its a habit. :embarassed:

    Your DH starts talking to you about paying rent with the 'Grover voice.' :indifferent:

    Your least favorite phrase becomes 'Your turn!' hollered triumphantly by your husband from your toddler's room. (Poopy diaper changes are on rotation)
  • When you go to work wearing "Dora the Explorer" band-aids on your fingers or you eat off a "Barbie" plate.....:laugh:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    You accidentally leave the bathroom door open when friends are over, just because its a habit. :embarassed:

    Your DH starts talking to you about paying rent with the 'Grover voice.' :indifferent:

    Your least favorite phrase becomes 'Your turn!' hollered triumphantly by your husband from your toddler's room. (Poopy diaper changes are on rotation)

    When your husband passes the baby to you mid-baby-grunt & says "that ones YOURS" :sick:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    these are all good ones. I have even did the count to 5 thing with my cats, :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh that is too funny!! My son is single and has no kids but he'll tell his cat, "Quiet Judy, the grown-ups are talking." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • When you are finally at a all adult social gathering and you spend the whole time comparing pregnancy, labor and delivery stories over your first alcoholic beverage in ages...:huh: :drinker:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    When your toddler is going to puke on an airplane (or other confined space that you don't want to get messy) and your first instinct is to try and catch it in your hand. :ohwell:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: BAHAHAHA I actually laughed out loud at this one. That is THE moment you realize you're a mommy. When you're willing to catch vomit in your bare hands. :laugh: And we've ALL been there. :smile:

    done this but not on a plane.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    You accidentally leave the bathroom door open when friends are over, just because its a habit. :embarassed:

    Your DH starts talking to you about paying rent with the 'Grover voice.' :indifferent:

    Your least favorite phrase becomes 'Your turn!' hollered triumphantly by your husband from your toddler's room. (Poopy diaper changes are on rotation)

    I leave the bathroom door open all the time at home, I'm just glad that I don't do that in public, how about you know you can't go to the bathroom without little feet following you to the potty. Oh yeah, you know it, my hubby says, honey it's your turn to change Jacob, and wouldn't you know it he's pooped!!!!!!!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    When you are changing a poopy diaper and one of the little poop pebbles rolls out of the diaper onto the floor and you just lean down to pick it up. Getting poop on your hands is far from the grossest things you've done. :bigsmile:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Oh the things I have to look forward to!:laugh: What a great thread!!!

    oh the joys of mother hood, but I wouldn't trade a second of it!!!!!!!!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    When you go to work wearing "Dora the Explorer" band-aids on your fingers or you eat off a "Barbie" plate.....:laugh:

    Yup - but in our case it's Barbie band-aids and Dora the Explorer plates - that is too funny!!

    When everyone else is budgeting money for some party or end of summer get together and you're scratching your head trying to figure out how to budget for school supplies and clothes because all the little one's clothes suddenly don't fit anymore! (her jeans look like they should be on a street walker they're so tight!)
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    You wear a shirt and remember EXACTLY what the stain on it was from.... and you feel like it's ok to wear still because it wasn't YOUR fault that it got there! :bigsmile:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    When you go to work wearing "Dora the Explorer" band-aids on your fingers or you eat off a "Barbie" plate.....:laugh:

    Yup - but in our case it's Barbie band-aids and Dora the Explorer plates - that is too funny!!

    When everyone else is budgeting money for some party or end of summer get together and you're scratching your head trying to figure out how to budget for school supplies and clothes because all the little one's clothes suddenly don't fit anymore! (her jeans look like they should be on a street walker they're so tight!)

    well, I am just finding out about the school supplies, my daughter will be starting Pre-K on Monday.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    When you go to work wearing "Dora the Explorer" band-aids on your fingers or you eat off a "Barbie" plate.....:laugh:

    Yup - but in our case it's Barbie band-aids and Dora the Explorer plates - that is too funny!!

    When everyone else is budgeting money for some party or end of summer get together and you're scratching your head trying to figure out how to budget for school supplies and clothes because all the little one's clothes suddenly don't fit anymore! (her jeans look like they should be on a street walker they're so tight!)

    well, I am just finding out about the school supplies, my daughter will be starting Pre-K on Monday.

    It's fun shopping for school supplies when they are little! My baby is starting Kindergarden this year. (the 26th) My older daughter is starting 8th grade - not so much fun then!
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