Need help drinking more water?

DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
I don't have a problem drinking water. It's one of the "good habits' that I picked up from 20 years of off and on Weight Watchers. But I do get bored with it. I'll put lemon slices in it but sometimes the acid isn't good for my picky stomach. Someone posted a link to this blog on my facebook and I've been trying it with the fresh fruit that's in season nowadays. I LOVE IT! My co-workers call it my "moonshine" since I carry around my mason jar. :tongue: Just wanted to share...


  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    thank you!!! I'm a big water drinker myself it's my choice beverage and yes it can get boring so I shall check this out!!
  • CMGemstone
    CMGemstone Posts: 64 Member
    this is a cool idea!!
  • Cheri1218
    Cheri1218 Posts: 268 Member
    Looks great. Sounds easy. Now I just need to do it!
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    Thats a good idea, im tired of Lemon!
  • Drinking water comes naturally for me. If only quitting sugar did...ok back on topic! I always squeeze lime in my water and leave the wedge in your glass too. It takes on a citrus slight cinnamon taste. Give it a try! Make it a good day today!!!
  • I use Mio, it is a water enhancer in all different flavors.
  • pittcurl
    pittcurl Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks for the link. I'll have to try it. I can't get enough water in my diet. I'm always dehydrated and I've been using MIO (I have every kind), but been looking for something different.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member

    Refrigerator tea .... gotta try this. Green tea with citrus & ginger ... yum
  • cpanther95
    cpanther95 Posts: 3 Member
    My wife actually had an idea one day to put a few leaves from a chocolate mint plant in my water. It makes it very refreshing. I don't use it when working out but when I am relaxing and I just want to drink something cool and tasty it works great.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    I can't do the sucralose/splenda in MIO so I do this instead. And it's pretty.

    I've also done it with tea!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I love my water! I have mine with a few slices of lemon, so delicious and summery tasting. :smile:
  • cjmobxnc
    cjmobxnc Posts: 1 Member
    I use Crystal Light because I just cannot stomach plain water. My favorite so far is decaf lemon ice tea mixed with lemonade. My own homemade arnold palmer.
  • BookofJenny
    BookofJenny Posts: 96 Member
    Bump :)
  • Elo99
    Elo99 Posts: 149 Member
  • missallenxox
    missallenxox Posts: 175 Member
    i SUCK at drinking water, which is hilarious because its a basic life necessity hahahaha~ I dont drink juice either. i bought a huge cute tumbler that holds 3 cups of water. i try to drink 3 a day.