Higher Cal but healthy snacks/light meals

shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
I've found I'm way under calories due to amount of energy my body needs to cope with involuntary muscle movement. I also use energy just trying to sit still. My BMR maybe up to double what MFP gave me. I've been advised to start at 500cals above BMR given for my height and age and work up. A teen with my condition burns 1,000 over average BMR for teens.

I thought me having under active thyroid or been in my forties may mean I didn't need to go as high as 1,000cals over to maintain my weight?

I've been assured I won't gain from eating more due to my medical condition but I've been on healthy food for a year now and don't want to go back to junk food just to get all my calories in for the day. .. and of course high fat food can still clog up my arteries.

I'm looking for suggestions for higher cal but healthy snacks or meals that I can use to boost my calories from 1,600 to 2,400 a day! I can't have nuts due to allergy.. I've had yoghurt drinks suggested to me instead of just water.. and upping my dairy.. I like babybels for snacks... any other ideas?


  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Fat doesn't clog your arteries. It's impossible. And the only connection between dietary cholesterol and serum cholesterol is your body will produce less if you eat more and vice versa. Cholesterol is critical to brain function and to life. 20% of the the weight of the brain is from cholesterol. Every cell in our body can make cholesterol. The brain makes its own cholesterol because lipoproteins can't break the blood brain barrier (lipoproteins carry cholesterol, FFAs, and fat soluble vitamins through the bloodstream). The body needs cholesterol to turn sunlight into vitamin D. It makes up a large part of our bile acids (for digestion). There is no bad or good cholesterol. There is only one kind of cholesterol. (and the entire reason sat fat is bad for us is because it supposedly raises cholesterol levels and raised cholesterol levels cause heart disease (which they don't). I've seen the data from the studies they use to push that...people who died from heart disease have low, normal, and high cholesterol levels. In fact, lowest mortality for women is between 250-300. (Too bad most doctors don't do their own research. They just push pill to treat).

    http://chriskresser.com/heartdisease (list of articles)

    http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=cholesterol+myths&gbv=2&oq=cholesterol+myths&aq=f&aqi=g6g-K4&aql=&gs_l=hp.13..0l6j0i30l4.1000.8140.0.11187. (Google search results of "Cholesterol Myths".

    If your doctor doesn't know that yet you need to find a new doctor.

    There are also some books:
    The Great Cholesterol Con
    The Cholesterol Delusion
    Ignore the Awkward: How the Cholesterol Myths are Kept Alive.
    Good Calories, Bad Calories

    I could go on...

    eat more fat. just eat natural fats. Real, organic butter, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, nut oils. And animal fats. Remove as much sugar as you can. (I follow a Paleo/Primal template. It's the best start you could do to get your health back. A say template because you can tweak it to your individual needs.).

    And you might be surprised at how it makes you feel. I did it as an experiment and found out that grains, flours, legumes, sugars, and even milk were messing up my health. I even had to limit my fruit (I'm learning that I have a fructose malabsorption issue). But when I went Primal every ache and pain I went away. And my body started healing. (GMO grains can cause major problems even if they don't affect your gut).

    Just a thought. I've read numerous success stories over the last year and a half from people. It's doing more than just helping people lose weight - it's removing a lifetime of pain from people.

    You might want to experiment removing grains from your diet (and increasing your natural fats) and see what happens. You won't keel over from not eating them for 30 days. N=1, right?

    But whatever you decide to do, good luck.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I was thinking more of healthy snack ideas as can't just have olive oil as a snack. What do you mean by animal fats?.. sliced meats as a snack or something like pork pies?

    As I mentioned nuts (or anything derived from nuts is out including coconut, almonds etc)