Filling Quick Breakfast ideas?? Help!



  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    If your eatting oat meal let me give you two suggestions: 1use whole oats. not rolled, and not steal cut. These process's cause the digestion of the oatmeal to be much faster. 2nd, add 1-2 tbls slivered raw almonds. This is a protien, and along with the whole oats will help the meal last longer.

    I have premade oatmeal instant bags: I just use fat free coffee creamer, brown sugar,and a serving of oats. along with the almonds. microwave it for 1.5 to 2 mins. let sit a min. and then its ready. If its two thin, use less water
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    I take 8 oz of almond millk, 1/4 c cottage cheese, 1 TLB flax seed and 1 heaping tsp sugar free instant pudding mix (any flavor) mix with blender & let sit for 5 minutes (I usually mix it before my shower to drink after) Just over 100 calories if you use fat free cottage cheese & lots of protein. It keeps me satisfied till lunch & is thick like a frape.
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    I make a breakfast sandwich, english muffin slice of swiss cheese (omit) 1 oz ham, and 1 scrambled egg. I cook my egg in the micro wav. I spary it with two squirts of fake butter, then scramble it, cook for 1 min. Put all to gether on toasted muffins. W/ the cheese this is about 303 calories. Only takes a few mins to make and take.

    Husband: 1st of the week boil 10 eggs, take 2 eggs and 1 peice of fruit. Usually an apple, for the fiber and full feeling effect.

    Good luck.
  • VWilson_Momoftwinsplus1
    I would suggest you eat more. I believe everyone has already mentioned eggs. They are great! I pan cook egg whites and toss in some spinach. I usually alternate between eggs and oatmeal. My eating schedule allows five small meals. I eat at 7:00 am. I usually get a bit hungry around 10 am and I grab a snack 200 cals or less. I have lunch at 12pm. Get another snack around 3pm. Dinner is usually around 6:30 or 7 after I workout. I'm satisfied throughout my day. I also drink a lot of water during each meal help tie me over.