Anyone else on take 2?

GemUK84 Posts: 73 Member
Hi All, I have been on MFP for 14 months and have successfully lost 44lbs however after getting in a new relationship I have put a few lbs back on. I have introduced my BF to MFP so we are both now getting back on the fitness train and I'm hoping to lose the final 26lbs to reach my target. Especially as we have a trip to New York in December (and huge shopping trip) to look forward to.

Looking for new friends to help motivate me and to exchange exercise and food ideas with so feel free to add me :-)

Gem xx


  • MikeJJuliano
    Yes, I'm also on take 2. I was down to 140, maybe even less, and due to poor diet and not eating enough to keep my metabolism up, I've hit 160 without realizing it. I'm dedicated once again!