Pancakes/crepés ( NO CARBS )

I would like to share this with you... you can change it up depending on if yur eating this for breakfast or late at night.

Basic ingred. are

0.5-1 cup eggwhites
1 scoop protein powder (30g)
Depending on what protein powder you have you may have carbs in it or not but at least its not flour ! =)
4-5 packets of stevia or 1-2 tablespoons depending on how sweet you like it
Banana (optional)
1/3-1/4 cup oats (optional)

So you can play with this alot, but the basics are eggwhites, protein powder and stevia.
But you place these things in a blender so it blends really well untill its JUST LIKE pancake mix.
Spray your pan with non stick cooking spray
and pour just enough to cover the pan not to get thick cause its best if its like a thin icelandic pancake or a crepé is what you guys call it.

Then cover it with sugar reduced jam and bananas or just jam, or peanut butter or whatever you like !!

For it to be a FOOD crepé ! skip the stevia and maby use vanilla protein or non flavor protein, but in the desert one you can use whatever flavor you like, chocolate, peanutbutter, vanilla, caramel or whatever you can find ! = )

Its SOOO good and you get like 5-10 pancakes or more depending on the thick factor ! =)

banana you can add
