3rd and 4th week not seeing any changes? What gives?



  • wolveslovemee
    wolveslovemee Posts: 156 Member
    Do you eat vegetables? because I don't see any in your diary. Iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value.
    One night of Dominos can equal no weight loss for the week.
    You should start tracking your sugar as well, see how that adds up.
    I see very little variety in what you eat from day to day, time to mix things up.

    Oops, yeah I forgot to mention.
    I dont add my veggies in there if its things like brocolli, spinach, greens.

    I dont also eat ice berg lettuce everyday, I actually eat a huge bowl of spring mix veggies with spinach and lots of other stuff. I just dont input it in there because Im lazy and I got used to just clicking iceberg.
    But I can assure you I eat a LOT of dark greens and salads with my protein.

    Yeah, last night I had a thin crust pizza with no cheese and spinach.
  • wolveslovemee
    wolveslovemee Posts: 156 Member
    Sorry I cant individually respond to all of you but please know I am actually reading what everyone wrote and I deeply appreciate the help.