To eat cake or not? That is the question.

My work is having birthday treats today. Should I eat a small piece of cake or stay away for the break room? Help!!!


  • Theres no reason why you cant have some...

    they say the true measure of recovery in an alcoholic is being able to enjoy a social drink, without going off the rails...

    abstinence makes the heart grow fonder, just give in to temptation but remember your on a diet so cut a small slice accordingly.

    If you still feel bad, eat it while doing jumping jacks!
  • azziria
    azziria Posts: 33 Member
    One of my favourite colleagues brought in birthday cake today that he'd baked himself. It looked delicious and he'd gone to a lot of trouble to make something that we'd like. So I ate a piece - just one piece, and not too big a piece - and savoured every mouthful, and it was wonderful.

    Life needs balance, and this sort of situation is one example of finding it. Only you can decide if you can stop at one small piece, and how important it is to you to not consume those calories.

    And if you do decide to partake of cake, enjoy it and have no regrets!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I always say if you deprive yourself eventually you will destroy your diet. Eat a small piece, log the cals, don't feel guilty. If you are over for the day, spread out the overage by coming in under a few cals for the next 4 or 5 days or so. It's a marathon, not a sprint :bigsmile: