I'm getting worried O.O



  • raindance_maggie
    5 weeks and 24 pounds down?? and that's not good enough??

    impatient much?

    I'm sure you didn't get to 214 overnight - so take a chill pill and stick with it. lasting results don't happen overnight.
    (probably not what anyone wants to hear but gotta keep it real)

    its the way it was said. it could have been said nicer...or just nicely in general.

    Bah... nice... we are on the discussion boards. o.O

    *slaps self in forehead* silly me, i forgot where i was for a second :) xo
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Now I feel better about my belly! =) I'm pretty sure I've lost so fast because I ate HORRIBLY before I started, and I jumped straight into my new lifestyle. It was Cold Turkey.

    Thanks =)
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    Just as motivation...I started at 208 and I didn't see a difference until I hit about 30lbs lost even though others did. I've seen several people say they didn't notice until about 30lbs
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    gut & thighs are usually the last to go. Gut especially since all that fat is protecting precious, vital organs, and one's body doesn't want to give up that kind of free padding.

  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    80 pounds down- my wife and other female friends all say my legs and butt are normal looking and tightened up. My arm fat is gone, my back is basically all muscles with the fat roll gone

    Whats left? My belly- and indeed it seems to be the last to go. 25 pounds left and even I can tell its all right there in the tummy area.

    I would say dont sweat it- just keep going on as you are doing great!
  • MandyJaneRose
    MandyJaneRose Posts: 29 Member
    Trust me, you are doing GREAT. The belly area is always incredibly difficult to get rid of, but it's also very difficult to see progress in that area, even when the progress is actually happening. I think because we have this idealized idea of what a woman's stomach "should" look like (ie perfectly flat and bikini-ready no matter what time of the day/month/year it is), flaws become so much more obvious in that area. Years ago when I was at my goal weight, I would still get so upset because I still saw my stomach as "fat" even though I was quite slim. You will lose weight there, and you will see changes, but you also have to keep a positive mindset. You can't focus too much on one part of your body, just like you can't focus too much on numbers, or you get obsessed and depressed about not being where you want to be right away. Lately I have been doing yoga 2x a week and trying to work out 2-3 times a week at the gym, and I am FINALLY starting to notice that my stomach is flatter. But I think a lot of it also has to do with having more forgiveness for myself now (I had an eating disorder throughout most of my youth; I'm 25 now) and a much more positive outlook on my own progress.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    I've lost 28, and even though there is a small change in my stomach (always my problem area), there's not as much of a difference as you'd imagine... so I'm assuming it's going to be the LAST to go!

    However, in the meantime, I'm gettins some pretty great arms and calves... and my double chin is gone.

    We just have to keep at it and give it time.. it will get there.. and in the meantime.. that's what Spanx is for :wink:
  • jnhinshaw
    jnhinshaw Posts: 8
    gut & thighs are usually the last to go. Gut especially since all that fat is protecting precious, vital organs, and one's body doesn't want to give up that kind of free padding.

    soooo true cuz my GUT just cant let me go lol but its slowly shrinking everywhere else looks fabulous lol
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    Its hard to be patient when we want to look good. Its also hard to really know how good you actually look b/c if you are like a lot of us on here, we still feel like we looked however many lbs ago. I still wonder if my gut will EVER go away...I still see it the same as I did 27 lbs ago.....even when I know I've lost weght, and everyone says they can tell, I still see the same stomach I did before. Its frustrating, but keep working at it and you will get there soon enough! Good luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    gut & thighs are usually the last to go. Gut especially since all that fat is protecting precious, vital organs, and one's body doesn't want to give up that kind of free padding.

    I varies by individual and body type, but in general belly fat is easier to lose (and gain) than thigh/hip fat. Our organs are not guarded by fat (??) Fat around your organs is actually the most unhealthy fat there is.

    To the OP, 24 lbs in 5 weeks is a great start. Very impressive! It's unlikely that you'll lose faster than that. In fact, you'll likely see that taper off pretty quickly to a more reasonable 1-2 lbs per week. Just stick with your plan. It sounds like you are doing great.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    It takes time....especially your thighs and stomach. Actually where you lose weight quicker depends on your how your body reacts to the workouts and how you are eating. Patience sweetie you will see more results soon enough :happy: Keep it up