looking for anyone serious about lifting

I love lifting weights and always challenge myself to lift heavy. So if you are one of these people that is serious about lifting hardcore weights and wants to be healthy and built please post on here and add me. I would love to meet people that love the weights as much as I do for support and ideas and to just help each other out.



  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    I don't know if I'd be considered a serious lifter, but I do three weights/strength sessions a week with my PT and I've started lifting much heavier that I ever have before. I don't know if it's anything too impressive, but I felt good!

    On Wednesday I benched 35kg and did a seated row with 50kg ~ YAY!

    I usually do lighter, but I've just started a 10 week challenge (currently in week 2) and the strength sessions have been getting harder to help with the metabolism! The main goal is to lose weight, but I like the idea of being nice and toned too once all this flab is gone :D

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • I just finished up a 10 week challenge at my gym and lost 15 pounds and maintained my 120 pounds of lean muscle. I ended up placing third place. It was so much fun and taught me so much. I am now lifting heavier then ever and try to get out of my comfort zone as much as possible. My husband today challenged me today to stiff leg dead lift on the smith machine with 45's on each side and so I said what the heck I will try and it was a success, ny back it super sore but I think I will be adding another plate next time.

    Good luck on your 10 week challenge Lynxie83
  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    Thanks Tattoo. Way to go on your 3rd place!! That's a great result!

    So 45s on each side, meaning 45 pound each side, 90 pound total... equates to around the 40kg mark. Very impressive!
  • Doing_The_Unstruck
    Doing_The_Unstruck Posts: 241 Member
    I am into pushing myself and lifting heavy. My goal isn't to be ripped or anything, but to develop a strong athletic body. Check out my profile and if you think we would get along, shoot me a friend request!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I'm serious about lifting, you both can add me if you like.

    I encourage you to use free weights rather than the smith machine though, it works more stabilizer muscles, and you end up with much better form.

    I deadlift 70kg and squat 60kg currently.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i'm serious about lifting. i love strength training and want to do power lifting competitions once i reach my goal weight.
  • dmacdonal9
    dmacdonal9 Posts: 2 Member
    There's a great community at forum.bodybuilding.com. It's not just for folks that compete. There's a strong female section as well.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I love lifting!

    I agree you will get an even better workout if you quit using the Smith machine, but I did my entire workout in the Smith machine today because there was not one other soul down there (Father's Day, I guess) and I really didn't feel like squishing myself.
  • Generalle
    Generalle Posts: 201 Member
    feel free to add me. Cardio is definitely not my first choice.
    Currently: bench press 60kgs (132lbs), squat 80kgs (176lbs), deadlift 75kgs (165lbs) and am working all the time to increase
  • I am into pushing myself and lifting heavy. My goal isn't to be ripped or anything, but to develop a strong athletic body. Check out my profile and if you think we would get along, shoot me a friend request!

    Loved your profile. Def think we will get along.
  • I'm serious about lifting, you both can add me if you like.

    I encourage you to use free weights rather than the smith machine though, it works more stabilizer muscles, and you end up with much better form.

    I deadlift 70kg and squat 60kg currently.

    I use free weights always except squat and dead lift just cause when squatting the squat rack is always being used. Plus I feel like I can lift more that way. But everything else I do I lift free weights.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Just sent you a friend request. I love to meet other women who have the same mindset. I'm so fed up with so many women here saying things like "I don't lift heavy because I get bulky easily" as if gaining muscle is that easy. I'm naturally on the muscular side, have PCOS & my testosterone levels is above average for a woman but it doesn't give me an edge at all when it comes to building muscle.
  • Just sent you a friend request. I love to meet other women who have the same mindset. I'm so fed up with so many women here saying things like "I don't lift heavy because I get bulky easily" as if gaining muscle is that easy. I'm naturally on the muscular side, have PCOS & my testosterone levels is above average for a woman but it doesn't give me an edge at all when it comes to building muscle.

    I agree on them saying they don't wanna be bulky. You have to lift super crazy heavy as a woman to be bulky and at that it almost impossible. I want a sexy, muscular body. We recently went to the Arnold classic and I was very impress with some of the ladies builds that were at the booths. I lift for my health and cause I have grown to love it and love how it has changed my body.