Looking for busy working moms

MsWax Posts: 32 Member
Hi Ladies,

I'm rather new here, and I don't have any "friends." I'm looking for some other working moms who, like me, are trying to balance a job, a family, and your own needs. I'm lucky to have a very supportive husband who watches the kids 2 nights a week while I'm at the gym, but digging up time and motivation to do more than that is hard!

How do you ladies do it?



  • Tiffy_Pea
    Tiffy_Pea Posts: 49 Member
    I work full time, and my husband works about 35 hours per week with changing shifts. I exercise at home, eithe rby taking our 4 month old son for walks after I get home from work, by by doing an exercise dvd when he's napping or playing. My husband often has to work evenings during the week, so I have to multitask and watch the kiddo and exercise at the same time, but it's possible!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Hi, I workout at home whenever I can, though usually in the evenings.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm rather new here, and I don't have any "friends." I'm looking for some other working moms who, like me, are trying to balance a job, a family, and your own needs. I'm lucky to have a very supportive husband who watches the kids 2 nights a week while I'm at the gym, but digging up time and motivation to do more than that is hard!

    How do you ladies do it?


    I'm in the same boat. Wife to a super supportive husband, mom to a 2 year old, 40 hour a week job... and then there are the obligations we volunteer for like teaching Sunday School or VBS. It makes for a busy week!

    I try to go to a Zumba class followed by strength training twice a week. These are the days my husband carries the bulk of the child care duties, but I usually put dinner in the crock pot, so we don't have to worry about cooking.

    We also go for family walks, and on evening when my husband puts my son to bed, I'll grab a 20-30 minute jog while they go through the bath/bed time routine.

    It's hard, but we can do it!!
  • Chell625
    Chell625 Posts: 13
    Feel free to add me, I work 40 hours a week, with a commuite of 45 miles one way - so pratically 2 hours of my day are taken up by communiting. My husband has become supportive of my weight loss/getting healthy as well. Each week my shift changes so I can't have a set routine. I recommend Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD. it is AWESOME!
  • no_where1976
    no_where1976 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello I'm a working full time mom and my husband works full time. I get up at 445 go to the gym and work out in the morning while everyone is still asleep. I try very hard to fit a couple bike rides in as well (kids can go to!). I'm sending a friend request to you and maybe we can keep each other motivated. I will say it's hard but the results from workouts help to motivate me :)
  • MsWax
    MsWax Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for all the friend requests, ladies! I have 2 young boys at home (ages 2 and 4), and I'm hoping to have 1 more in the next year or so, but I want to be in great shape for my next pregnancy. I've recently got into running, and I try to go out a few times a week, but finding time is hard. It's beautiful out today, but my husband is playing hockey tonight, which means I need to home with the kiddos (I usually go after I put them to bed). I'll have to drag my butt onto the treadmill in our basement, which is not nearly as nice as running outside!

    I hope I can get to know all of you better, and we can motivate each other!
  • shoes_4_me
    shoes_4_me Posts: 19 Member
    Meee too! I'm a working wife and mom of three kids - 4, 6, and an 8 year old. I get up at 5:15 to start the crazy day and am ready to pass out after work, dinner, bath, and bedtime. I try to squeeze in my own weights at home when I can and walk as much as possible. Hopefully summer will be easier for workouts when it's lighter later and the kids are out of school. I think I'm looking forward to no homework more than they are! My 30 day Shred DVD is supposed to arrive tomorrow so I'm hoping to cram in 30 minutes after they go to bed. Better put my workout clothes on early so I don't cave to the exhaustion! Keep it up ladies!
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    I work 35 hours a week with a 2+ hour commute (approx 1 hour 20 min each way).

    Is there something that you and your husband can do together after the kids are in bed? I found this is the best motivation for me. I feel like I am letting him down if I skip a workout (we are doing our 2nd round of Insanity).

    I also agree with the other poster who recommended the 30 Day Shred, it is only about 25 minutes and it is a good workout.
  • bluebuggy1970
    bluebuggy1970 Posts: 70 Member
    I work full-time and have 2 kids and a husband. I also attend college part-time. Most of my exercise is Jillian's 30 day shred. It is painfull but it works. I have teenagers and husband who like to sleep in, so every Saturday and Sunday I am up early and doing my Jillian. I have managed to add it in couple of times thru the week but have to get up and have been struggling with that one lately. My only other form of exercise is gardening or walking my dogs. I just found this site in May and absolutely love it as I have always been a food diary kind of person... now if only I could find friends that love it as much as me.
  • Sheenamarie1221
    Hi! I'm a single mom of one 5yr old boy. I work full time at a desk job and have gained a good 50+ lbs in my 5yrs at this job! Just started trying to get fit a little over a month ago. I have a excercise bike that i bought off craigslist and it took me months to actually start using it but i use it everyday now and also on occasion do zumba on my wii :) I've made excuses for a long time but i've always had time to sit on the couch for at least 30mins to watch tv, so now instead of sitting on the couch, i sit on my bike and pedal away! And i'm getting better at preparing good healthy meals at home- and BRINGING BREAKFAST AND LUNCH TO WORK. That was a BIG thing. Anyway, my son's pretty self sufficient, not like a 2yr old, so he doesn't require constant attention lol. And i used to work graveyard for 4yrs before i finally got a day shift last yr, so that was really hard on me. But now time to start taking care of myself! It's been paying off, so i'm pumped! This app/program is awesome! Good luck to you! Feel free to add me, now that you know my life story lol :happy:
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Hi, I am a married mum of 4 x kids and work full time. I drag my *kitten* out of bed at 5.30 in the mornings and get an hour in before work. Luckily my husband does the morning duties and I take over the afternoon ones. You can do it - just ask for help, accept help if it;s offered and try to make life easy for you. Grocery shop on line, get a cleaner if youc an afford it (even just once a fortnight to do the big things). You can do this!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I usually do a 45 minute walk on my lunch break, and lift while my son is at football practice. His clubhouse and my gym are in the same building so it's handy. in the off season my kid brings his DS to the gym and sits at the tables while I bust out an hour gym routine. We also hike through the ravine together, bike ride and throw a ball around the back yard. it's stressful, but it can be done, and you'll feel way better about it
  • mommasox
    mommasox Posts: 97 Member
    I work full time and my husband works close to that as well depending on business. We have two kids, one a 15 year old teenager and the other a 15 month little boy. (i know... its quite a spread) By the time I get home all I want to do is be with the family. So I walk with a group at work. I am in downtown Seattle so we all walk uphill together then back down. Its about 30 minutes and the hills are STEEP! When I first started I thought I was going to die. But I am getting better. I also get off the bus early and walk about a half mile to my building. Next week I am going to start doing the stairs with the ladies in my office. They go from floor 17 to 40, although I dont think I can go that far yet.

    A few times a week me and the kids will go for a walk in the evening.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I'm a crazy busy working mom too. I've got daughters who are 9 & 5. And I hadn't been to the gym since before I had them until March of this year, I found out my cholesterol was borderline high from all the weight I'd gained (partly baby weight that I hadn't lost, and partly stress weight from a huge layoff at my job where my dept. was cut from 9 to 2 people). So I bit the bullet and joined the gym. My husband goes at night after the kids are in bed, so I go in the morning. I wake up bet. 4:30-5:00, and I start my workout bet. 5:00-5:30, and usually go 60-90 minutes 5x/week.

    In April I started following New Rules of Lifting for Women to add weight training for balanced workouts, and I love, love, love it. If you want to look into it, it's something you could do only 2 days/week and if you eat right, still see results. The scale moves slow, but it feels great to get stronger and see changes in the mirror/clothes/tape measure, even when the scale refuses to budge.
  • MollySue2012
    MollySue2012 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Ladies! I'm new to myfitness pal! Seems like my schedule is similar to some of yours. Have a 4 month old baby. Working 40 hours a week and commuting 2 hours each day. My husband and I get up before the baby each morning to work out (5am) and we are doing Insanity, about to start the 2nd round in one week. I'm nursing and had hoped that would help the pounds fall of but it really hasn't. It's a struggle right now to lose the weight but I'm trying!! Glad to see I'm not alone. :)
  • Julem22
    Julem22 Posts: 107 Member
    Same here, I work full time and have a three year old. I am lucky that I do work from home (though let me tell you there are CONS to this such as food is always accessible). But I can fit in exercise during the day so that is good. At the end of the day after my daughter goes to bed...I am TIRED!
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I am a working mom of 3 boys under the age of 9 with my youngest being 13 mo. My husband owns his own construction company, so he gets home at various hours. He is very supportive of me and knows that my 20 minutes a day is what I need to work towards my goals. I find, especially in the evening when the kids are in bed, that my body just wants to curl up on the couch and indulge myself in some ice cream and watch tv. My mind, however, is on the right track and eventually tells my body "20 minutes is all I need". It is painful to get started sometimes, but once I get going, it is good. Some days are harder than others to get the time to workout, so if I can't do my normal workouts, I try to spend time outside with the kids throwing the ball or playing tag or something like that. It all counts, so whatever you can do is the best you can do. Please add me as a friend if you like. We are all on this rolling-hilled journey together!! :happy:
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    I am a single working mom with two teenage boys.... and I supplement my income with an ebay business because my ex is a deadbeat.
  • Evansmama29
    Evansmama29 Posts: 84 Member
    OH yes - busy working mom here too. I have a 13 month old little boy, super supportive husband, 40hr a week job, hour commute each way to work. I get up at 4am Mon-Fri, get ready, get little one up and ready, drop him off at daycare on my way to work, pick him up at 2:30pm - drive home, then it's snack time, play, go for a walk if it's nice, get dinner ready, hubby's home around 6pm, dinner, play, bath, story, bed (for little one AND me). Days just go by soooo fast. I really try to do my exercise while I'm at work on my lunch break, or after work if we can get a nice long walk in. I'm finally recovered from a broken big toe - so I'll be starting 30 Day Shred next week (and will have to now get up at 3:30am to do this every day - ugh.) I sent you a friend request, and anyone else may send me one as well. :)
  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    I'm a mom too to two kids - working full time and it's busy! We take the kids for lots of walks - thank goodness it's summer - and I workout after they go to bed (8:30PM). I have tried to do it first thing in the morning but it's just too early. I find night time is the best. Good luck! :)