New kid on the block

Hey everyone! Well, like most everyone on here I'm looking to lose some weight, get healthy and get my life back! I'm new to MFP -just signed up yesterday and I'd like to meet some women out there who have the same goals.

A little about me?

Well, I'm 24 years old (young at heart!) and I'm a proud mom of two adorable little boys! They for sure keep me on my toes! My friends here in the real world are great, very supportive of my weight loss goals BUT they are also all very fit and very skinny.

Needless to say, as helpful as they try to be, it's discouraging to talk with them about this when I'm always comparing myself.


I'd like to meet some women around my age who feel kind of the same way I do. I'd like for us to encourage each other and share our trials and triumps along the way. I'm 100% committed to losing 30 lbs by the end of this summer! (Fingers crossed)

I surely can't do this alone so I hope to hear from some of you soon!

Thanks so much for reading! :)


  • Well Welcome!!! You can do this!!! Sending you a requests noww :smile:
  • knockout3737
    knockout3737 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey there, welcome to fitnesspal. Hope all your goals are achieved, remember... Mind over matter :)