New twin dad looking for tips on working out

Hello everyone,

I just became a dad of twins a couple of months ago(first kids). They are one of many inspirations to lose the weight. Now that they have been home for a while I am struggling on how to juggle everything and still find the energy to work out (I don't believe in finding the time to work out there is always time if you know how to manage it). Can anyone please provide tips on how they find the energy to exercise



  • greenbox06
    greenbox06 Posts: 101 Member
    Bump would appreciate any tips.
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    I'm not a parent or anything but just a lazy *VERY* person.

    I just tell myself to go out and do it.

    This past Sat. (6/9/12) I did a 10k. I did worse on it than I did last year by a whole minute a mile. So I decided that I want to be in one of the running corrals (there are 7 total. 1-5 run 6 for strollers and 7 are the walkers..where I was).

    So I went got my workout clothes on a few days later and started jogging. First day tough, second day tough but I could see a slight improvement......So I guess my main thing is that I'm getting at is just go and make time for it. I only run for about 20ish mins a night.

    Tell your wife you'll be gone for 20 min come back and help with the babies. They take naps right? Perhaps run while they are napping while your wife is there :)
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    Energy is tough. Assuming you are doing this at home, determine your favourite time and then do everything in your power to exercise then.

    My preference is morning. I like it out of the way. if I wait until night I am too exhausted. There is also the less intense but more fun taking them for walks and that can be done at anytime.

    I'm currently doing classes and putting my girls in childcare for the hour because I find exercising before they get up too uncomfortable (I'm nursing ) and once they are up it is chaotic.
  • janelleferrell
    janelleferrell Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this app. It's brilliant, I am also a nursing mum of twins plus a 2 and a 3 year old, it's full on and have learnt a bit of daily exercise is so important mentally as well as physically, morning morning morning! It has to happen in the a.m with young babies or it won't happen. Just downloaded a Nike training app, great for motivation, the kids are so entertained watching me running around the house too, I have had sore muscles for 3 days now so it's very effective! Pop those babies in their bouncers and I'm sure they will motivate you if the Nike app fails! Good luck!
  • woody1983uk
    I was similar to yourself, struggling for time to exercise with a new baby so i just set my alarm earlier and work out in the morning before work. I personally do weight lifting but if you are aiming to lose weight then simply running for 20 mins, 3 times per week is a great (and low cost) start. Someone else mentioned exercising during babies nap times but this is sometimes unpredictable so i couldnt get properly motivated and prepared this way. You will probably find that exercising actually generates more energy than it uses.

    Also, taking the kids for long walks in your spare time is great for you and them.

    If your main goal is weight loss then 85% of this is down to diet, you cant out-train a bad diet. I would get this in check first and you will start to lose weight.
  • NomadicKris
    Get a stretchy wrap and wrap them to your chest and head out for a walk, or you can carry one while your partner carries the other and you can both walk together. Put them in a pram and head out and walk.

    I am a single parent with two small kids and without being able to use a pram or wear my bubs on my back or chest I would never go anywhere - and mine loved sleeping in the carrier as well so they got a good sleep, I got a good walk and we were both happy :)
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Twins, congrats! I don't have twins, but I do have two boys, one of which is only a month. It definitely makes finding time to exercise a challenge. However, it's worth it b/c studies have shown that a father's level of fitness impacts his kids level of fitness. So use that as your motivation!

    Is it possible for you to get any exercise done during lunch time at work? Even if it's just a power walk, do it!!!!! You won't have much free time at home. Once you get home, exercise is tougher to squeeze in.

    In order to exercise at home, you need to get your kids on a schedule as soon as they're old enough. By four months old you should be getting them on a good nap and feeding schedule. Then you can plan your exercise while they're sleeping. Until they're on a schedule though, you'll have to play it by ear. When they fall asleep, that's when you can start exercising. You won't have time to hit the gym probably, but you can go for a run or walk outside. Plus if you get some perfect push-up handles, a pull-up bar that attaches to a door frame, and a few other cheap items, you can get a very good workout in your home quickly. Eventually, investing in a adjustable bench and some weights might be worth it if you have the space.
  • usc2626
    usc2626 Posts: 186
    Greenbox I felt the same way back when I started this journey. I was at weight I never saw before, had very little energy to finish the day and always seem to feel bad when I woke up in the morning. For me it was mostly about the diet, once I started keeping up with my intake (with help of MFP) and getting on a good diet I slowly started feeling better. I also changed up my workout routine and simplified it more. I weight train 3x a week full body with simple but effective compound movements. It's very easy but challenging in the same way. Now at 120+ days in I feel a 100% better and have more energy than I ever had in a long time. You just need to get started on the right track, stick with it and I promise you'll start feeling better. Good luck!

    I forgot to mention that I'm a dad of four teenagers that are very active in sports and I also help coach them in all sports so I know how you feel about that part. I love it though as I'm sure you do to!
  • greenbox06
    greenbox06 Posts: 101 Member
    Wow thanks everyone for the great advice. I think I am starting to get into a groove. We have changed our diets about 3 weeks ago. I think with all of the new foods and my body has finally got used to it I am having a lot more energy. Also the babies are starting to sleep a little more which is why I think all of the sudden I have more energy. I started the Insanity workout I have to keep it an inside workout since it is 105+ here in AZ. That is one heck of a workout session. I have noticed that the twins make it so that I have to walk up and down the stairs A LOT more than I used to :smile:
  • beccarte
    beccarte Posts: 7 Member
    Also, I have found that it is helpful to commit to doing any small amount of exercise at least once daily. For example, it is difficult sometimes to find the motivation to go work out for an hour and a half, but if you tell yourself that you will be going for just a 20-minute walk, it becomes easier (for me). Most of the time I realize that I have the energy to do much more if only I get started, so my "I'll just walk for 20 minutes" turns into a more involved workout.