Easter Fitness Challenge Check-In Feb 18

Happy Monday?

What an exciting week - our first full week of the Easter Challenge. Start it off right!

I started it off right this weekend. Yesterday I did interval walking, walking outside, and yoga - managed to practice handstand and side crow. Might have pulled a little something. I'm still a little sore from Saturday's weight session, but it's just my pecs, so I might go to strength training anyway and take it easy on the flys.

Still stuck on my weight though :grumble: I think I'll have to cut out the treats again. Sugar was always my downfall.

Train hard!



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Happy Monday?

    What an exciting week - our first full week of the Easter Challenge. Start it off right!

    I started it off right this weekend. Yesterday I did interval walking, walking outside, and yoga - managed to practice handstand and side crow. Might have pulled a little something. I'm still a little sore from Saturday's weight session, but it's just my pecs, so I might go to strength training anyway and take it easy on the flys.

    Still stuck on my weight though :grumble: I think I'll have to cut out the treats again. Sugar was always my downfall.

    Train hard!

  • vicky1
    vicky1 Posts: 236
    so far a good day stuck to diet, drinking green tea now waiting for hubby to finish work and bring my new weights then I will do my 45 min core training dvd. Went for a walk with the kids and dogs this morning it was lovely and frosty nice crisp air really wakes me up and gets me going.

    Did interval training on the elliptical yesterday 3 min average then 2 min really pushing it hopefully I will see a change in the scales this week.

    Going to go and play with my daughter on the trampoline now exercise and fun.

    Happy Monday all!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    Good morning all. I just finished my Biggest Loser DVD....30 minutes of cardio & 30 minutes of power sculpt. Off to tackle housework. Everyone have a great day!
  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Happy President's Day! Just because it's a 'holiday' doesn't mean you get to take a day off! :tongue: Get out there and make a difference for yourself! YOU are worth EVERY second you dedicate to your health and well being!

    Yesterday I tried out the Taebo Cardio Circuit DVD (what a workout!), drank my water, and took my vitamins & meds. I made the same goals for my next chart but I'm going to be thinking about what to add/change after that. Hmmm.

    +++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++!!! :flowerforyou:
    Have a GREAT Monday!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I want to join! When is Easter anyway?
    Well, now that vacation is over I am trying to get back into my routine. I am going to try to do 45-60 minutes of Taebo today, including upper body. Hopefully I will get that done. It's not like I have a lot to do today. I just feel lazy and tired. I need to recoop from the vacation. :laugh:
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Hi All!! Mechanic Mom - Easter is March 23 - early this year - and welcome back!!
    I did take a walk yesterday - 40 mins. Ate good, stayed in my calorie limit. :happy:
    I got up this a.m. and did my cardio and my new strengthening session. Need new
    weights! Hopefully will be on track! Have a great Monday everyone - Kim
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Nice start everyone!

    Did my trail run this morning... am feeling really good for the first time in a long time. Got on the scale and saw 156! :happy: Holy Cow! I haven't weighed that since my wedding! :blushing:

    I will try to get in some resistance stuff tonight too, but need to set my two lifing days once I get to work. Short day luckily! Gotta go take my vitamin!

    Arianne :tongue:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I spent my morning cleaning my office, including my email folders. Cleaning those up took as long as cleaning my (messy...disorganized...unworkable) area did! So, now I have a fresh, clean workspace. I love it. I feel lighter already.

    Tonight is spinning for 45 minutes (I love how I think "only" when I type "45 minutes" now. I used to feel like I would die after the first five minutes :wink: ) I'll try to walk there and back, but we have rain/snow mix and it's pretty yucky. OH, how I love my bus pass.

    Good job all! Take care of yourselves today! (and every day)
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm going to try a strength: upper body/abs class at the gym today before my spin class. I get too bored (even with the help of TV) to focus on strength at home, and I just discovered that I can work this class into my sched. 2xs a week. Since today's a holiday (family day in Ontario) class should be smaller, so I won't feel "exposed".

    Here's to busting out of my comfort zone. (I SO fear anything new or different.)
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Wahoo ViviaKay!! You go girl!! That is good - it is hard to break out of our comfort zone. :flowerforyou: Let us know how it goes!!