Gastric Lap Band



  • suejen
    suejen Posts: 1
    Options will give you calorie counts for the activities you do.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Options will give you calorie counts for the activities you do.

    So does this site.
  • twilight1542
    I think you're a bit mistaken.... you understandably got off to a rough start here, from what I read on your first thread that you linked here. However, there is a group in this community of MFP'ers who have had various weight-loss surgeries. I wouldn't jump to assume that this site isn't helpful for "people like you" (your words) just because of a rough start on your first thread, or response from people who strongly feel old-fashioned diet and exercise works for most people.
    OTOH, I think she's not the least bit mistaken. This site is the ONLY place where I've been given flack for having surgery... where people have told others to discount what I'm saying about nutrition and exercise, just because I had surgery.

    The online tracking of food and exercise is great, but the community section can be like navigating a minefield for those of us who are surgically altered.

    C'mon now, you know there are people like that EVERYwhere. Those who think it's their way or no way. Yah, there are a few of that type here, but the majority of MFP members are supportive of just about everyone from what I've seen.

    Thanks. I feel better and appreciate BrendaLee and Mac, in particular.

    IN any community you'll come across opinionated people who think there way is best! This sight is great if you can learn to take those types of comments with a grain of salt and focus on those comments you find helpful. Personally, I think weight loss surgeries have gotten a bad wrap from those people who used it as an easy way out and had little success as a result--I have 2 people in my life, 2 out of the 3 who took this route, that fit the bill. I believe that everyone has to do what is right for them, regardless of what that might be. And, I'm certain that you and your doctor had your reasons for taking the surgical route. In general, I have found this site and the people on it to be very supportive of each other and willing to share their personal experiences to the benefit of others. So when I come across a post I don't like........I just ignore it and move on. I have learned a lot of great things here that I feel have benefited me in my journey and some things that I have chosen to bypass. I do hope that you stick with this site and focus on the aspects of it that you like rather than the things you don't care for.

    Best of luck in this journey.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Neither does chocolate, but I wouldn't kick it outta my bed for eating crackers. Wow, that made no sense.
    It made sense to me. Which scares me a bit. :laugh:

    The thing is, for the morbidly obese, surgery is the only durable and effective treatment for obesity. Diet and exercise alone succeeds 1-5% of the time (based on various studies). But weight loss surgery succeeds 75-90% of the time. Those are great odds!

    The reason it works is that you feel full and satisfied eating much less food. It's not the same as the white-knuckle dieting that I did before. I never have to go to bed at 9 pm because I have used up all my calorie allotment, but I still feel hungry, like I did on Jenny Craig. It's just an amazing difference and it's make everything else possible.

    This is why the OP has to get adjusted. I understand about the fills hurting. The wait list doesn't help (and is bad medicine). But, if your band is not adjusted, you are just dieting like you did before you got it. And you know how well that's worked in the past... Can you ask the office to give you a different person to do the fills? Someone who is more adept?
  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    Im new to fitness pal myself. I had lap band done 3/11/09 and then revision on 9/18/09. So far I have lost 47 lbs. I understand what you're going through. I struggled also for months with exercise and so far I am counting my calories and waiting for day to reach my "sweet spot". I am at my 5th fill next week in a 10 cc band with 8 1/2 cc already inside me! How much more will this band take?? But I know its working because I eat less and some foods even get stuck if I eat them too fast. I get on my treadmill 3 times a day for 20 minutes. If I feel energetic I do a 45 minute cardio-resistant band workout, but hating every minute of it. Right now I am 1200 calories a day and exercising like crazy and guess what?? Nothing is happening. My weight does not move either way and I am so frustrated. I just keep doing it as I feel there is no other option. So hang in there.

  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    Nice thoughts have no legs.

    Neither does chocolate, but I wouldn't kick it outta my bed for eating crackers. Wow, that made no sense.


    If you liked going to the gym and actually used the membership,call them and open your account back up!Put it on your own credit card,do this for yourself!
  • afyfe
    afyfe Posts: 93
    In response to your question to not getting my lap band adjusted, I havn't done it because It was painful the last time I had it done cause the PA could not find the port to inject the saline. They told me over and over again that you might feel a pinch and they numb your stomach, but at the same time you feel incredible pressure. The PA wandered out of the numbed area and it hurt like hell. Not to mention that there is about a 6 week waiting list just to get in to have it done. But these are all excuses for the most part. I know what I need to do and I just need to suck it up and do it.

    Being a bander myself, the only way for the band to help you (notice I said help, it is not a miracle) is to have it properly adjusted. I keep mine a bit looser, but that is because I am a runner and need to be able to eat a little more calories.
  • afyfe
    afyfe Posts: 93
    I think you're a bit mistaken.... you understandably got off to a rough start here, from what I read on your first thread that you linked here. However, there is a group in this community of MFP'ers who have had various weight-loss surgeries. I wouldn't jump to assume that this site isn't helpful for "people like you" (your words) just because of a rough start on your first thread, or response from people who strongly feel old-fashioned diet and exercise works for most people.
    OTOH, I think she's not the least bit mistaken. This site is the ONLY place where I've been given flack for having surgery... where people have told others to discount what I'm saying about nutrition and exercise, just because I had surgery.

    The online tracking of food and exercise is great, but the community section can be like navigating a minefield for those of us who are surgically altered.

    I have to agree with this as well. My surgery saved my life and because of it, I know more about exercise and nutrition than I ever would have known.
  • schel
    schel Posts: 5
    back in the saddle again!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm a lap band failure why you ask, I'm a muncher and so never large meals but lots of grazing all day. I'm tired of being fluffy, so I'm doing water aerobics 3 times weekly, and just started "walk away the pounds". Hoping to find support and good advice in this community. Hoping to be one less, at least on the scale


    we can do this we just have to support each other
    i have trouble with adjustments too little no restriction
    too much night time reflux and possible aspiration
    so no more fills just better diet and exercise control
    don't get me wrong those are my problems I'm not
    encouraging anyone to skip MD visits or adjustments
    I'm just share my faults and announcing my solutions


    I to am a lap band failure... :( I wanted to get a revision to RNY and the doc said no that insurance would not pay for it. Not to mention a patient of ours at the clinic just had RNY a year ago, 37 years old and died a year later! Kind of scared me away from a revision for now.
    A fill is out of the question, as things alsready get stuck as it is. Especially healthy foods! How dissapointing is that?? So I have finally made the decision that I am going to do this the old fashioned way with diet and exercise. Today is day 1. On a Thursday!! Not a Monday but a Thursday. No more waiting until Monday to wait. I am starting today. So take it from me, if you do not change the eating and exercise, the lap band will do nothing except make you have pain when things get stuck.
    Good luck and if you have questions ask away!
  • Mary_Burris
    I have the Band and I know that it is Just a TOOL and nothing else. I know that I have to do this and it is there to help me only. Ive done really well and Ive lost 125lbs in the past 10 months. I drink ALOT of water and I only eat what makes me full, which comes to having proper restriction I know if I did not have the restriction that I do have that I would not be able to keep losing. if you have any ?'s please feel free to contact me I dont mind!!! Good Luck!

  • Mary826
    Mary826 Posts: 1 Member
    I too have the lap band. I had my surgery 4 yrs ago. The first year went very well with a 60lb weight loss. The next three I have managed to gain and loose approximately 20lbs. I find it very fustrating because I am only able to be filled to a certain point and don't feel restricted enough. When filled to a higher level a have reflux and regeratate . I was on Jenny Craig last year and lost 20lbs and have since regained it. I'm due for another adjustment on Monday and find a have to get adjustments every three to four months to maintain the desired level. I too am a muncher and find that junk food is no problem to eat with the band, goes right down. My new plan is to cut out the sugary snacks and carbs such as pasta, bread, rice etc. as well as track my food daily. Oh well fingers crossed.