For The Ladies ... one week out of the month.

Let me start by saying I had an amazing 1st 9 days on this site. I lost weight or stayed the same every day. I was blissfully happy. This morning I stayed the same weight ... again happy!!! This afternoon it was a sneak attack! I re-discovered the nasty little factor of being a woman. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Now I'll never lose any weight this week! Are there any good coping mechanisms out there for the I feel like garbage ... fat, bloated, crampy, tired garbage days during that one week a month?

ps sneak attack due to stopping my birth control pills about 7 weeks ago and my cycle is still off. The pills were causing some messed up health issues and 2nd week homicidal tendencies ever since they discontinued the pill I'd been on for years and switched me to another generic brand that is NOT the same and saying it IS does NOT make it so you nasty male pharmacist pigs out there!


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Indulge yourself A LITTLE so the cravings don't get out of control- high quality dark chocolate works for me. Drink lots of water. Stay off the scale for the duration. Keep up with exercise, even if you don't feel like it- it helps symptoms tremendously.
  • susiesweets
    Unfortunately it would drive me even crazier if I didn't weigh in every day. I do realize that my weight fluctuates tremendously through the course of the week for reasons other than fat but I still feel the insane need to see it and know that even if I gain one or two pounds it's probably water weight. I also know that regardless of what i do I will gain fat during the week of my monthly unwelcome guest. It never fails :(:ohwell:
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I weigh myself everyday (unless I eat breakfast too early or I am really sick, trying to stop this habit though) even on my cycle. My weight does go up a bit but only by a few pounds and then it all drops off and then some when the week ends- note to say that if this doesn't happen it's because I've had some really salty stuff and it is mainly water weight. So I can relate a bit.

    Try to stick with your healthy eating and try to minimize your craving munching (I know easier said than done). If you do some munching then make sure you exercise. Even if you feel like crap and don't want to do anything still go for a walk or some other exercise. I find that when I'm moody then doing things that involve beating the heck out of something helps a lot (I do punching bag stuff on a Kinect game).

    Realize you are only human and you are going to have some difficulties sometimes so don't be too hard on yourself. Also attitude contributes to your success so if you think you are going to gain weight then your actions will follow. If you know you are going to try the best you can to stick with your eating and exercising then that attitude will keep you from gaining.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    For the first few days I curl up on the couch in my jammies or sweats and a cup of flavored coffee, and warn everyone to stay FAR away! At this point exercise actually makes the cramps worse, so I've pretty much learned not to bother. Sometimes I'll try to go ahead with my lifting is that is on the schedule for the day, but I just can't do the cardio. Of course that just makes me even crabbier. I do my best to eat healthy, but I do indulge the cravings a bit.
    Once the worst is over, I hit the gym hard, kick up the cardio, and clean up the diet.
    I don't get on the scale until 2-3 days after I'm done. Just makes me feel worse.
    It totally sucks, but I've learned that it passes, and has never effected my weight loss. I don't take a rest day very often, so I try to convince myself that a couple days off from workouts is good for my body; maybe not so much for the mind, but good for the body.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Unfortunately it would drive me even crazier if I didn't weigh in every day. I do realize that my weight fluctuates tremendously through the course of the week for reasons other than fat but I still feel the insane need to see it and know that even if I gain one or two pounds it's probably water weight. I also know that regardless of what i do I will gain fat during the week of my monthly unwelcome guest. It never fails :(:ohwell:

    I weigh everyday too. About the bold^ The only way you're going to gain fat is by eating an excess of 3500 calories. You gain water weight during TOM. Its just bloating and will go away. Many women, myself included, tend to be a bit lighter after the ordeal is over than before it started.