Im New Here!

bakerh518 Posts: 18 Member
Hi All!

I am new here and this is my first time joining a site like this! Im looking forward to meeting some great, motivating people from here, and some that will keep me accountable!

My husband and i have been married for 4 years, and been together for 7! (8 in November! ha!) A month after we got married we decided to start our family, however, that has not happened yet. We have experience 3 miscarriages since beginning our journey and throughout this painful process, i have put on about 70 lbs. I would like to return to my "meet" weight, meaning when i met my husband at 135! Im starting today at 196.4 (after a high of 220lbs)

The doctor we are seeing now for "undetermined infertility" (aka, nothing wrong with us) said that she didnt really think weight loss would improve our chances, BUT it couldn't hurt and when i do actually get pregnant it will make for a better pregnancy, so that is my motivation for now.

Currently i am 28 (29 in Aug) 196.4, measurements coming soon! (gotta find my measuring tape! haha)

Glad to meet you all!! Have a great night!

Oh and im starting the 30 Day Shred on Monday! <3


  • pacarolinagirl
    Welcome to MFP! I just got "active" here on Tuesday. I've worked out, traine, etc but never tracked my food. That's what brought me here. I love seeing the support everyone is giving each other. I'll try to help out as much as I can. And for what it is worth, I just watch a show 3 nights ago where the woman was overweight and was told by 2 Doctors that it contributed to her fertility issues. She was more overweight than you & could not get pregnant at all. I don't think losing weight could hurt your chances.
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    Hi! this is my 6th day on here. Welcome =) feel free to add me.
  • bakerh518
    bakerh518 Posts: 18 Member
    Food tracking is my weakness also, i just have never been able to get into it, but i really wannt commit now so hopefully i can get support there!! haha

    And, yes, for many women being over weight keeps them from ovulating, fortunately/and unfortunately that it not the case for me, i ovulate beautifully, haha, i say unfortunately because it would be nice to know what the deal was! haha
  • DesiL13
    DesiL13 Posts: 11
    Hi this is my Seond day on here! I hope things go well for you on your weight loss journey. add me if you want.
  • schmoogie813
    schmoogie813 Posts: 16 Member
    I've been on here for 3 months, but don't have many friends or support. Sent you a friend request.

  • rachaellynn91
    I am so sorry to hear about the miscarriages but you can do anything you set your mind too. I believe that you and your husband will have kids and you're going to be healthier and lose weight you'll kick *kitten*!