What's your motivation and reward???

Just curious if anyone would like to share their motivation to lose weight and get healthy and/or the way they reward themselves to keep motivated.


  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    My motivation is my son, my dad (who has lost 60 lbs with COPD), my own health (trying to prevent diabetes), and to prove someone wrong that said that I was a quitter at heart.

    My rewards are seeing myself healthier, and being able to look at myself in the mirror without being disgusted. Too poor to afford anything else lol.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Question that is often asked. My answer is that my paternal side of the family usually dies at about 55 years old. I already have diet/exercise controlled diabetes, hypertension, and cholesterol. I'm hoping it will extend my life and the quality of my life.
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    A have a few things to help keep me motivated: staying healthy for my kids (lost both of my parents within 3 months of each other a few years ago), not wanting to be in that sad, guilty place I was before I lost the weight, and finally not wanting to disappoint my trainer.

    To keep me from being bored and possibly slipping back into bad habits, I try to set some sort of fitness goal to reach for : an upcoming 5K, an indoor triathalon, warriordash, etc.

    I don't have any material rewards. I revel in how good I feel, and how good I feel about myself! I never want to feel trapped/slave to food ever again.
  • noctilumina
    noctilumina Posts: 65 Member
    I have just begun my journey. I feel really hopeful and motivated (due, in part, to finding MFP!) but I know that staying motivated will be a challenge. I know it's silly, and I'm self-conscious about posting this because it seems so self-indulgent, but I have made a list of little mini-goals and ideas to celebrate reaching them.

    I started at 177. At 174, I celebrated that I was closer to 150 than 200, and got myself my first electric toothbrush. I'd been wanting to try one for years, but was hesitant about spending the money.

    At 166.4, I will go from the "obese" BMI category into the "overweight" one, and I already bought myself a bottle of green apple cleansing gel. I won't open it until I reach the goal. It's fancier than I'd usually get for myself, but green apple scent makes me inexplicably happy, and the company uses organic, vegetarian, cruelty-free ingredients (important to me).

    At 159.3 I'll have lost 10% of my starting weight, and I've noted it because so many reputable sites talk about how reducing your weight by even 5-10% can grant remarkable benefits for your health and well-being.

    The list continues. It might be silly, but I worry that I'll lose motivation if I just keep my eyes on my end goal. It's too far away. I want to focus on happy and healthy milestones along the way, and reward myself with things that contribute to my sense of feeling good and taking care of myself.
  • zoegator
    zoegator Posts: 165 Member
    I have quite a few motivations, but the two motivations/rewards that are closest to being achieved and realized are these:
    -To feel fantastic about myself in the clothes that I wear, and to be more confident with myself.
    -To WOW my boyfriend when I finally see him again in mid-August.
  • LennyInFlorida
    My motivation to initially lose all of my weight was to eat bad again.

    After I lost it all 3 years ago (after 9 months of dieting) I cheated and have continued to cheat every weekend now.

    Now I have other motivations up there like my lovely family--but FOOD is definitely still up there as I''ve classified myself as a overeater.