
Hey all. My story of weight gain is pretty standard. I have lost some, regained and lost again and on each regain ive always ended up bigger. I am not a tall man at 5'6". I am 245 lbs which is way to much for a man of my height. I wish to be 200 or less again. I used to be in the army so I was not always overweight my entire life. I hope everyone on this board succeeds with their weight loss program

Nice to meet you all


  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    Looks like your post was lost in the shuffle, but welcome...Hope you have great success here...I know I have...
  • cndslee
    cndslee Posts: 256 Member
    Welcome ....and good luck on this journey you started! I will send a friend request. look forward to sending encouragement your way!