New to online dieting

Hope I make it this time... really trying to stay on top it. I'm hoping this online site can help :-)


  • dena789
    dena789 Posts: 165 Member
    Same here!! I have been trying to ignore my weight but it didn't go away ;) so - here I am. Hope this site might be both inspiration and motivation.
  • skinny43
    skinny43 Posts: 1
    I have a 3 and 4 year and 16 year old... I'm tired from running after my kids and feel guilty for any "me" time. But if I don't then I can't be the best mom or me for them! I love checking in on a daily basis it helps me so much and makes me feel accountable!
  • anitamiron
    anitamiron Posts: 73 Member
    I am new here. I am using my fitness pal to track my calories and work outs. I am using the Beach body program and have had wild success in the past. I just had a baby and I am ready to get back into shape. I am also a team beach body coach :)
  • stinamarie17
    stinamarie17 Posts: 47 Member
    i started tracking calories and working out more regularly just about a week and a half ago... and so far i have lost close to 5 pounds... i love MFP, it makes tracking meals so easy and i feel like it's so easy to commit to. plus, there are so many other supportive users and i love checking out the forums for tips, recipes, and inspiration. welcome :]
  • Salatti21
    Salatti21 Posts: 1 Member
    I am also new on here..I am looking for support and motivation to keep up with this. I just need someone to kick me in the *kitten* is so hard being a full time mom and working full time, that even though I shouldn't use that as an excuse, I often do. :( I would love to add some new people and also offer my support to those who are looking for some!