zumba 20 minute express challenge



  • isaacs06
    isaacs06 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm IN!! I've been doing the class 2x/week but have been wanting to step it up a notch - I'll start doing my xbox or dvds with you!
    Thanks for the push - i needed it!
  • MeliciousGibson
    MeliciousGibson Posts: 248 Member
    I LOVE Zumba. I'm in. How different is Zumba for Wii rather than an actual class? Right now I've been taking a class once a week but want to do more since I burn off so many calories.


    In answer to your question, there are a bunch of answers and it all depends on your personal preference.

    I'm a licensed Zumba instructor, so naturally I lean towards live classes! :D There are reaons that people prefer one over the other or a combination of both.

    Wii -
    Pros: Privacy of your own home. You can do the workout whenever you want to. You can learn the routines at your own pace, but since they don't vary, you don't have to worry about learning new routines at the discretion of the instructor.

    Live class:
    Pros: Having other people around you can create a supportive and more fun atmosphere than if you were just doing it at home. The instructor can help you to figure out any "tricky" moves that you don't feel you're getting and check for form. The instructor SHOULD have a lot of energy and encourage you to push just a bit harder. Each instructor has a different style and usually change routines once in a while by adding or dropping songs to avoid monotony.
  • tammyopolin
    tammyopolin Posts: 98 Member
    I'm in! Zumba on my Wii is my favorite exercise to do. I did a 20-minute class this morning, and it shouldn't be hard for me to squeeze one in everyday.
  • kathleenp518
    kathleenp518 Posts: 48 Member
    I love your ticker! Can you tell me where I can find one similar to that? Thanks!!!
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    Welcome everyone!!!! You don't have to post a pic if you don't want to , it's up to you what details in progress you want to share!!! :D
  • lilmzzgreeneyez
    lilmzzgreeneyez Posts: 133 Member
    i have to take pics. i will possibly do it later but it may be tomorrow before they are uploaded lol
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    i have to take pics. i will possibly do it later but it may be tomorrow before they are uploaded lol

    Sure!!! I took one yesterday, but I won't upload it till check-in day which is this coming Friday June 22nd! :D

    MORNING EVERYBODY!!!!!! What's everyone had for breakfast! Remember to get enough protein in you for better results!!
    Protein will feed your muscles and keep them nice and alert ready to destroy fat!!!! Especially when cardio training!

    Today another session of 20 minutes and if you have your Zumba sticks, add them in today too!!!

    Don't forget to take a "before pic" so that you can compare it to your post zumba every check-in day which is on Fridays!

    Happy weekend everyone!!!
  • Count me in!
  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    I'm in too! (I'll start tonight!)
  • lilmzzgreeneyez
    lilmzzgreeneyez Posts: 133 Member
    oh and btw my profile pic is my before pic. its fairly recent (from right when i started working out and going to zumba. and im down 20 lbs altogether now! so happy. but im only down like 2 lbs since you started this thread.
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    How's everyone doing??? Remember check-in is this Friday! Keep it up!!! :D
  • Tricialew32
    Tricialew32 Posts: 96 Member
    I LOVE Zumba. I'm in. How different is Zumba for Wii rather than an actual class? Right now I've been taking a class once a week but want to do more since I burn off so many calories.

    Hi Maggie!!! I'm sure that a 20 minute session on the Wii would be the same as the DVDs, roughly! Welcome aboard! There are a few girls that are going to do it with their Wii too! :wink:

    If you decide to buy the Zumba for Wii, I would just suggest you get Zumba 2 because it's so much more fun than the first one. Both will do the trick but you can start with 2 no problem.
  • I can't wait to get back into Zumba. I just have to wait until I get this cast off of my foot. I broke the 5th metatarsal bone due to Zumba. Did to too vigorously. Be careful when you stomp your feet and make sure you have the right shoes for it. I have learned and will be getting insoles.