People say I'm fat...



  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    This is a joke right? Clearly you know you aren't fat so I have to believe this is an attempt to fish for compliments.
    Which is fine and what not, but just say you want compliments.

    Should have kept reading before I posted! ^ BINGO

    You two probably should have kept reading even further... she is from the Phillipines. Things are different there. What she has to say about people's concept of fat and muscle and fitness and 'skin and bones' is interesting and is probably a challenge for which she could use our support.

    @tamtamstar, you do look fit! good on your for living the way you want to in spite of nasty comments.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Sorry if some people thought I'm fishing for compliments. I actually planned before that I'm not going to post any pictures.. And even put my stats. I just put it there because people might think I'm just joking or something. But I'm in a country where being "stick" is the sexy in their vocabulary. And so it's sometimes hard to keep your will up if you are living in a place where people around you are in a twisted kind of thinking. I'm really sorry.
    Pay them no heed. People love to hate things that make them insecure.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Great article here : files/abstracts32nd/bodyimage.pdf
    Conclusion: Underweight and
    obese low-income women had inaccurate perceptions about their body size and had feelings of dissatisfaction compared with normal and overweight women. Anemia was
    more prevalent among women with low BMI, although there was no relationship
    between anemia and body image satisfaction. Measuring body image satisfaction by
    subtracting the difference between ‘perceived’ and ‘desired’ body size is appropriate for
    Filipino women with underweight, overweight, and obese BMI levels but not for women
    with normal BMI.

    is filipino population and philippine the same population ?
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Ridiculous, isn't it? Last week I got called a "stupid fat b*tch" by a man who barged into me in the street. People will drop the F-bomb as an insult, particularly towards women, and it's just plain lazy. If you're going to insult me, make it reeeeally personal. I'll respect you more in the end ;)
  • People in the neighbourhood don't matter if they are not your friends.
    My mother and her family call me fat all the time too. I've learnt to brush them off. They know nothing about healthy eating or excercise. To them, the skinnier = the fitter you are; muscles = fat and undesirable. Sports = what is that, can you eat it? Fat makes you fat, sugar does not =_=''
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