Working out in the Heat

During my lunch I've been walking 2 1/2-3 miles everyday. Next week the temperature is supposed to be in the 90's. Anyone have tips on how to keep cool while walking so I don't sweat to much for when I get back to work? I was thinking maybe an umbrella to keep the sun off of me? But I was thinking that might look stupid?? I want to keep up my lunchtime walks as I've been doing my walks and going to the gym at night. I also take my lunch around noontime, so it's going to be pretty hot! Any tipis are appreciated. Thanks!!


  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    Anybody who has traveled in warm countries will know that an umbrella is the way to go so good idea! So it looks stupid. Big deal. The other thing to do of course is to just juggle your work schedule and get out first thing in the morning but that isn't always possible for some people. Take a watter bottle with you as well.
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    Try to switch your clothes for something lighter during your lunch. I'd also suggest keeping an ice pack wrapped in a dishcloth in case you get too hot and you just want to cool down a little bit. Maybe it's going to look awkward but it actually works.
    Always make sure you have a water bottle with you to keep you hydrated, and put on some sunscreen. You could always switch the umbrella for a hat, which I think would be more convenient for walking.

    Good luck with that! Let us know how it went.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    An umbrella would look kind of funny. But you can wear a good hat that keeps the sun completely off of your face and neck w/o looking too silly. Carry a bottle of ice water.
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    Everyone offers good suggestions, and I would echo them. The only other thing to add is.... is it possible to walk INDOORS at lunch time? Not knowing where you work or the size of the building, if it's an option to walk around the building or up/down stairs during lunch, that might be a good alternative.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Wear light colored clothes, maybe even a hat. Be sure to bring a bottle of water with you!
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    I also go for walks during my lunch break. You should look for a Lightweight shirt that wicks moisture, dries quickly and breathes easily. I get mine at REI. A little pricy but they last, look good and keep me cool in summer. Also know that I ware these shirts in the high humidity of the Carolinas and I’ve worn them in the Desserts of Arizona. If you want to see what I’m talking about go to and look under Hiking Cloths. Man I sound like a sales guy LOL.

    I know I posted this on your page already but I thought I would post it here as well, incase someone else can use the information.
  • tmos512
    tmos512 Posts: 119 Member
    Is there a parking garage or something near your place of work that will provide some shade? If so, you could walk there.:happy:
  • Rangeck1
    Rangeck1 Posts: 1
    A hat will make you sweat more. You lose a great deal of heat from your head. A hat insulates your head and traps the heat.
  • draculaspointer
    draculaspointer Posts: 106 Member
    Being from sunny and HOT southern arizona...i used to walk at lunch everyday and always had to change out of work clothes and into workout clothes, then change back. Now that it is around 100 on a daily basis, I run on the treadmill inside. I would recommend changing clothes and splashing water on your face if you turn bright red (like me).
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I live in Scotland- not a problem I have.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    Water + light sun hat + a change of clothes

    I live in the desert, we routinely walk about a mile both ways to the playground in 95+ weather. Make sure you stay hydrated and don't forget the sunscreen and a great deoderant lol

    Also, you could stay inside. A stroll in the heat isn't too bad but anything more than that you really feel the heat.