So I have been a member of MFP since June, and absolutely LOVE IT!! I had a baby in April, and gained 70 lbs during my pregnancy!! :noway: Right before I delivered I was 220 lbs!! It was crazy, every time I went on the scale I was up another 1-2 lbs, and I definitely just let myself go, eating whatever I wanted and not working out at all. Thankfully, Sophia was born (10 days late btw, I was going CrAzY!:grumble: ) and she was happy and healthy at 8lb 12oz.
I lost about 30 lbs without trying too hard - a lot of it was water weight, so that brought me down to about 190. That's when I started with MFP and it's been great! I got down to 176lbs and feel good. Although now I'm starting to lose steam! Even though I'm still 26 lbs away from my goal weight, I kinda "feel" like myself again, and am starting to make excuses about poor eating habits such as mindless munching. I need your help to make me stay strong!! I want to be healthy and go back to working out regularly, but we cut our gym membership b/c we needed more $$ to put towards the baby expenses. I've been walking outside with Sophia, but I would love to get into running again... I live near Philly and actually want to do the Broad Street Run in May... that's my new goal. It's a 10 mile run and I did it 3 years ago and it was GREAT!
Anyway, I just needed to get all that out there and ask for some encouragement to keep me motivated. It's really hard b/c I just feel so happy and content with everything else in my life, and I just love to celebrate, and I do that by eating and DRINKING!!:drinker: WAY too much! Plus, we have really fun neighbors that just had a baby 3 days after us, and we all hang out together and drink wine and watch the babies play! (We say our husbands owe us, and make them stay sober and watch the babes, while we enjoy our wine, it's only fair since we had to stop drinking while we were preggers!!)
Anyway, sorry this is forever long, thanks for taking the time to read this, and if you have any advice or words of motivation, please do so! I also respond well to "Tough love" so call me out on my BS, I deserve it!!!


  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    One of the best things you can do is join a group here or maybe you and your neighbor can exercise together instead of the wine and talk. You can whine and walk:flowerforyou:
  • Dpanderson72
    I am very new to this site, my dad has been on it and I thought I will give it a try. I too am 20 lbs away from where I want to be. First thing, Have everyone in your family read your blog or read it to them. If they know where you are and what you want it makes it easier. What works for me is just doing it. the first week. Run outside everyday for a week, start small ten min jog around the block, just make sure it is everyday. What this does is shows you, You can do it. It was small but you made your goal. Then go up. If you want that wine every weekend. Go for it but work for it. I am sure you are going to make that little baby work for treats when he or she is two, treat your self the same. Once your mind is on page with your body. It is a cake walk. I am just past the first week where I pushed, and pushed. and for me my mind is where it should be. I now don't say, I need help I say I am almost there from not needing help. Kind of the same but it tricks my mind. You can do it. I think you know you can.. You once ran that ten miles, Therefore it is in you. GO DO it...! Tough love!!!!!
  • pattitricia85
    i have heard the couch to 5k is great running program on here. or you and your neighbor can take turns watching your babies, so each of you can do your workouts (if your're doing something where you can't take the kids along). Good luck on the last 26!
  • doodleinmd
    Congrats on such a beautiful baby! Your remark about hanging out with neighbors hit a chord with me as I am in the same position. However since I love to cook I find that is I take it upon myself to do the bulk of cooking then I can choose (somewhat) healthier alternatives like a fat free sour cream dip with a ton of fresh veggies(even the guys dig in) or low fat microwave popcorn with cajun spice....yummy, I'm originally from the Philly area so try walking Manyaunk a few times-that will get you motivated(and cursing :-) Keep up the good work!
  • RecliningFigure
    RecliningFigure Posts: 214 Member
    Wine has a lot of calories in it. So you might want to avoid that (sorry don't want to rain on your long deserved parade). But I also know nursing moms who avoid all alcohol because it may not be healthy for the baby. If you're not nursing, then of course, don't worry about it. But sadly, wine = calories galore. You're going to have to pick and choose what you want to splurge on. Maybe you and your neighbor, instead of celebrating by eating and drinking, you guys can do something more active that will benefit both of you. Maybe while the dh's are watching the babies, you guys can go to the gym, be exercise partners, run, etc. This way you're changing up the celebration so that it will have a more positive affect on your bodies. And earn more eating calories while you're doing it. In any case, I know you can do it. Keep that positive attitude, and you'll get there.:flowerforyou:

    Edit: sorry, missed the gym comment. Still, you guys can go salsa dancing. Talk about celebrating! It fun fun fun and it will burn tons of calories.
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    Thanks for the support everyone! I am going to workout right now!!! You guys are the best :)
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    Wine has a lot of calories in it. So you might want to avoid that (sorry don't want to rain on your long deserved parade). But I also know nursing moms who avoid all alcohol because it may not be healthy for the baby. If you're not nursing, then of course, don't worry about it. But sadly, wine = calories galore. You're going to have to pick and choose what you want to splurge on. Maybe you and your neighbor, instead of celebrating by eating and drinking, you guys can do something more active that will benefit both of you. Maybe while the dh's are watching the babies, you guys can go to the gym, be exercise partners, run, etc. This way you're changing up the celebration so that it will have a more positive affect on your bodies. And earn more eating calories while you're doing it. In any case, I know you can do it. Keep that positive attitude, and you'll get there.:flowerforyou:

    Edit: sorry, missed the gym comment. Still, you guys can go salsa dancing. Talk about celebrating! It fun fun fun and it will burn tons of calories.

    Thanks for the input and positive reinforcement!! Also, I am nursing and supplementing with formula, so anytime I am going to drink I give her formula.... Don't want the little one to be a wine-o like her Mommy!!