Hello All, I am Checking IN!!

I am 6’1”, my weight is 203.4 pounds. This is the first time in my life that I have struggled with a weight problem. My weight has always been at 155 to 170. I have been exercising at least 3-4 times a week; however, I cannot control my eating which do not allow me the ability to lose the weight. I am joining this community so that I can learn to take control of my eating and so that I can lose my unwanted weight. For the past two years, I have not felt like doing much because of the weight gain. I have made a vow to myself that I will not continue living this way, so I am eager to take control of my weight gain with healthy eating and exercising.


  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I am 6’1”, my weight is 203.4 pounds. This is the first time in my life that I have struggled with a weight problem. My weight has always been at 155 to 170. I have been exercising at least 3-4 times a week; however, I cannot control my eating which do not allow me the ability to lose the weight. I am joining this community so that I can learn to take control of my eating and so that I can lose my unwanted weight. For the past two years, I have not felt like doing much because of the weight gain. I have made a vow to myself that I will not continue living this way, so I am eager to take control of my weight gain with healthy eating and exercising.

    Hi, and welcome to THE best site on the web! :flowerforyou:
    Between the easy to use food counter (which by the way is SUCH an eye opener!) and all the wonderfully supportive members, you WILL be able to lose the weight that you want to, AND, it'll "almost" be easy doing it! :wink:
    I recommend logging ALL your foods BEFORE you have them, rather than later, as it tends to lead to better food choices. (not to mention you'll know if you've got enough numbers left to have a night time snack, like I ALWAYS try to do!) Some people also like to weigh and measure some things, such as meats, rather than just estimating and possibly being WAY off! :noway:
    Don't go making the mistake that if you have LOTS of numbers left at the end of the day that you'll lose even faster, because that DOESN'T happen. Feel free to read any info about the site in the "help" section at the top of the home page. And also, under "all topics", then "general", and check out the first few threads. They'll really help you understand how MFP works. :smile:
    Before coming here, I had tried just about EVERYTHING out there, including hypnosis, TWICE, and nothing really worked until MFP! :love:
    Also, drink LOTS of water, it REALLY DOES help! :drinker:
    As for exercise, it doesn't always have to be awful. For my exercise, I walk almost every day, (weather permitting!) I also dance to a fast oldies CD that my husband made up of all my favorite old songs. (Like "Love Shack", Wild, Wild West", "Mony, Mony", "Footloose", and "Gloria")
    It's free, (unlike a gym!) fun, and I can even watch tv at the same time, so I never get bored! :happy:
    I also recently aquired the Wii Fit, and jog to that, which is a lot of fun, and easy too! :smile:
    So, to make a LONG story short, make good food choices, eat in moderation, get some exercise, and you WILL lose the weight that you want to! :smile:
  • dwnjjugalette
    I am 6’1”, my weight is 203.4 pounds. This is the first time in my life that I have struggled with a weight problem. My weight has always been at 155 to 170. I have been exercising at least 3-4 times a week; however, I cannot control my eating which do not allow me the ability to lose the weight. I am joining this community so that I can learn to take control of my eating and so that I can lose my unwanted weight. For the past two years, I have not felt like doing much because of the weight gain. I have made a vow to myself that I will not continue living this way, so I am eager to take control of my weight gain with healthy eating and exercising.

    Congrats! First, i gotta say, i know what you mean about the uncontrolable snacking. and yes, i log all of my food BEFORE i eat it whenever possible. What i do is i snack if i am hungry, but i only eat healthy food, so much in fact that i am writting a blog dedicated to 'the healthy version' of our favorite treats and usually not-so-good meals. check it out for some tasty idea that will curd the calories as well as your appetite! Enjoy!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever. You will love this site if you don't already. I love it here. This site is so supportive, motivational, helpful, easy to use and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile::flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • MsJantell
    :happy: Thanks BrenNew for the great information. I know it would be a great struggle without a support group. I do look forward for suggestions, recommendations, and best practices. Great job on your accomplishment of losing over 40 pounds. Kudo to you!!!
  • MsJantell
    dwnjjugalette, I am too logging everything that I eat and yes, I get hungry between meals, but I have been drinking water. I need to buy some healthy snacks. I threw out all of the bad snacks -- cabinets are bear but I will correct that his upcoming weekend. My stomach is begging for extra food because it is not being use to being deprived.

  • MsJantell
    I could not agree with you more MOMOFTWO29 that this is a wonderful site. I stumble up on this site by goggling calories counts. Yes I love this site and I know it will be the foundation for me achieving my goal. :heart: :love:

    By the way, congrats to you on your weight lost. :flowerforyou:
  • PatB52
    PatB52 Posts: 65
    I"m new here too (introduced myself a couple of days ago) and I'm loving this site. The food diary and exercise log are fantastic. It's so much easier than keeping a notebook!

    Snacking has always been my problem too, but I found a marked reduction in feeling hungry between meals when I started taking a fiber supplement and eating more fiber-rich foods.

    I get the feeling that there are a lot of very supportive people here so I'm hoping we can help each other to a better way of living.
  • nobleps
    nobleps Posts: 95
    Hello and Welcome :flowerforyou:
    MFP is the greatest diet aid tool I have ever found. :heart: :bigsmile: If I had to write all this stuff down....well..you know- I haven't got the time, much less remember. :grumble: Keep yourself accountable. Look up calories in foods your not sure about. Processed sugars and HFCS high fructose syrup are bad! :explode: Stay away from fast foods unless you know how many calories and what kind are in them. :noway: This is really about changing your life and way you eat forever. :flowerforyou: :drinker: Grabbing food for comfort or boredom is no longer an option! :noway: You must be aware of what, when and where you are eating. :happy: So get started! Get psyched! Get pumped! Grab your water bottles for plenty of filling/flushing H2O! :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :smooched:
  • MsJantell
    Thank you for the words of encouragement. Congratulation on your weight loss. :happy: Yes, I am learning each day to stay away for comfort foods and fast foods -- particularly the fast foods. Since I live alone and seldom cook; the fast foods were often my dinner. I have started going to the market to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, so now I am pumped and ready to go.

    Look forward to see more of your weight loss progress.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I am 6’1”, my weight is 203.4 pounds. This is the first time in my life that I have struggled with a weight problem. My weight has always been at 155 to 170. I have been exercising at least 3-4 times a week; however, I cannot control my eating which do not allow me the ability to lose the weight. I am joining this community so that I can learn to take control of my eating and so that I can lose my unwanted weight. For the past two years, I have not felt like doing much because of the weight gain. I have made a vow to myself that I will not continue living this way, so I am eager to take control of my weight gain with healthy eating and exercising.
    Congrats on taking the 1st step on your weight loss journey ......GOOD LUCK and KNOW THAT YOU CAN DO THIS :heart: Megan
  • MsJantell
    Thank you. Yes, I am going to do it and I am going to maintain the weight loss once I achieve it. :bigsmile:

    ** I am having a little problem posting my ticker to my posting. When I start the sight I weight in at 207 and now at 203.4 but having problem posting my ticker.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member

    Try eating 6 small meals, instead of 3 big ones. If you snack every 3 hours, you don't allow yourself the chance to get so hungry. I've found that not only does this keep my metabolism running faster, but it helps keep my blood sugar even and my energy levels up. Pre-plan your meals so you know when and what you're eating next. When I started this, it felt like I was constantly eating! LOL!

    Good luck!
  • MsJantell
    Hi I will definitely try this. I sometimes find myself craving for sweets sometime that I didn't eat much of in the past. :embarassed:
  • MsJantell
    I weight in today at the check. I am so happy. In July I was at 207 pounds; today I step on the scale at 200.2 pounds. This Fitness Pal has been so great in me achieving my targeted weight.
