Insanity Nutrition Advice/HELP

lopezjeff35 Posts: 2
edited December 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
So I just started Insanity and based off the nutrition guide it wants me to eat 2378 calories! I have my goal set at 2300 should I keep it that way and just adjust each week like the guide says? I'm trying to stick to the 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat so I know that will work. But 2300 seems a lot I usually don't eat that much.
Here's the formula and my stats maybe I did math wrong
Weight - 179
Height 5'5(male) 65in
Years old - 22
66+(6.23xweight in lbs) + (12.7xheight in inches) - (6.8Xage in years)
I got 1857.07
Then it wanted me to multiply by activity level well with Insanity I went with moderately active so multiply by 1.55
I got 2878.45
to lose weight it wanted a deficit of 500. Leaving me with 2378.45 calories. Any advice?
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