i was really bad today :(

southernletteXO Posts: 20
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
i haven't been home all day nd i don't really like to eat out. finally around 5, i was sooooo hungry that i couldn't take it anymore, so i went to the mcdonalds in walmart nd had a big mac :(

i'm so disapointed in myself. idk i what to do...


  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    i haven't been home all day nd i don't really like to eat out. finally around 5, i was sooooo hungry that i couldn't take it anymore, so i went to the mcdonalds in walmart nd had a big mac :(

    i'm so disapointed in myself. idk i what to do...

    Don't worry about it! Try to get in some exercise if you can, and you'll be ok. :smile:
    I try to have a double cheeseburger at least once a month! :love: I just "work for it" through some extra exercising! :smile:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    its just one big mac, and it doesnt sound like you enjoyed it tooo much :tongue: don't worry about it, start fresh starting now!
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    While it may have not been the best thing for you.....if you hadn't eaten all day did you really go that much out of bounds on your calories? Even if you did, as long as you get back on track tomorrow you you shoould be able to make it up. And I also agree with the exercise part of it.

    I plan "cheat" days and then I find it easier not to slip up as much. It is really easy to say no to something one day if you know that if you just make through to your cheat day you can have it. I bet that Big Mac would taste sooo much better if you earned it. :)
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    One big mac won't do you in. Now if you do the same thing tomorrow, and the next day, etc... then you will have a problem.

    I really don't think of any food as 'bad'. It's all in how we control it.

    If I let myself get too hungry, I can go way overboard with the eating. So if it really bothers you that you ate a big mac, next time you are away from home, try a little planning about what and where you're going to eat. Know what's available, or bring your own food and snacks, if you can.

    I think it's more that you ate something you didn't want to eat, that you weren't able to make a different choice, that bothers you more than the calories and fat. I know that is what bothers me. I want to be strong and in control, and giving in to something like a big mac, certainly is not empowering.

    Make yourself proud tomorrow. You can do it.
  • cyndijoy
    cyndijoy Posts: 27
    Well, I did almost the same thing yesterday. I KNEW I was going to cheat. We were out all day, it was like 9 pm, I had no intention of going home and cooking. My girls wanted Rally's, so I went and got them Rally's. I went to Burger King instead and got 3 whopper juniors (no cheese) and some onion rings. It turned out I didn't even finish the last whopper junior, and never touched the onion rings. I was already full. I figured if I was going to eat a burger, flame broiled was better than fried. And I still managed to make it under my calorie goal. So don't beat yourself up about a Big Mac, you can still jump back on the horse. We're all going to do that now and then. :smile:
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Was the 3 whopper juniors and onion rings for you?
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Well, I did almost the same thing yesterday. I KNEW I was going to cheat. We were out all day, it was like 9 pm, I had no intention of going home and cooking. My girls wanted Rally's, so I went and got them Rally's. I went to Burger King instead and got 3 whopper juniors (no cheese) and some onion rings. It turned out I didn't even finish the last whopper junior, and never touched the onion rings. I was already full. I figured if I was going to eat a burger, flame broiled was better than fried. And I still managed to make it under my calorie goal. So don't beat yourself up about a Big Mac, you can still jump back on the horse. We're all going to do that now and then. :smile:

    you can jump back on the horse too. i used to eat excessively too, and it is hard, but don't feel bad about it, it happens, and know that while you aren't alone, each moment is a new chance. this is for a healthy lifestyle.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    It's not a big deal, so you had a big mac. Make tomorrow an extra good day. I knew I had a wedding to go to today, and it was, of course, a buffet. I saved my 500 exercise calories from yesterday, and ate pretty much what I wanted. It all works out in the end. :smile:
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