Time To Stick With It

I have been overweight for the past 19 years and have tried to loose weight here and there but never really took it seriously. As the big 40 is 11 months away, I want to go over the hill healthier and happier. I have only beem using the MFP site seriously about the last 3 weeks and have lost 9 pounds since. I love the ability to track what I eat and the nutritional facts about each food I eat, since I usually eat the same things. I get a lot of inspiration from reading the success stories and I hope to one of those stories before I turn 40. The way people encourage each other no matter what their weight or progress is on this site is so uplifting.

SW: 303
CW: 294
GW: 185


  • amychantel
    amychantel Posts: 52 Member
    Good luck! You can do it! Hanging out on this site helps a lot!