What is your favorite body part?



  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    Ewww I'm not a huge fan of boobs..... I mean I've seen some nice boobs - mine for instance LOL are perfect - for me - I'm little so I'm glad my boobs are little OK OK TMI :P but in general i'm not a boob fan myself

    I like girls butts! Hellz yeah! Butts are hot! LOL and legs - Girls in heels with nice defined legs and a juicy butt MMM HMMM

    My fav muscles are the triceps - on men or women - defined triceps are SEXY

    Men - defined back and chest :)

    I'm also not a fan of huge biceps either yucky don't get me wrong i want definition and strength but I don't think they need to be so BIG

    A nice butt is always a plus...
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    On women I like the stomach and boobs.. I have a fascination with boobs lol-- Don't judge me :)

    I will judge you... as awesome.

    Boobs it is!

    On men, I really respect the guys who have built shoulders & the abs.
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    What is your favorite feature on a woman/man? Mine is chest and arms for a man. On women I like the stomach and boobs.. I have a fascination with boobs lol-- Don't judge me :)

    Um, who doesn't?

    I can see why you like boobs. Looks like you have some incredible nice ones girl!

    Most women are are afraid to admit that they like boobs.

    really...not the women on my FL...lol!!

    actually I prefer legs and butts on women and faces on men!
  • What is your favorite feature on a woman/man? Mine is chest and arms for a man. On women I like the stomach and boobs.. I have a fascination with boobs lol-- Don't judge me :)

    Um, who doesn't?

    Most women are are afraid to admit that they like boobs.

    I LOVE BOOBS!!! lmao I would like to touch all of them I see! lmao...you are right though...most women I know would never admit to it...But I have seen them stare...I know.

    Oh and women...Boobs, *kitten*, nice legs, really there isn't much on a women's body i don't like ....Yes I have been told I am half lesbian...lmao Men...Nice abs...nice *kitten*, strong arms....well pretty much the same...Not much I don't like...hee hee hee :blushing:
  • Men - love strong arms & legs..the bigger the better ; )
    Ladies - tummy & booty.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Women: Faces, eyes and Butts for me.
    Men: Not Applicable
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    Boobs, Abs and Butt...
  • Women: Faces, eyes and Butts for me.
    Men: Not Applicable
    Liar! everyone can find something they find visually appealing on another person...whether it be an *kitten* or a nose...there is nothing wrong with finding something attractive on another human being :tongue: lol ps you are just my example...this goes for everyone that wont say anything nice about the same sex....so blah! lol
  • snw_
    snw_ Posts: 237 Member
    i really like my elbows. most boys like my elbows too. i don't know what it is.

    on boys ... ~shoulders~.... holy hell.
  • rysgal123
    rysgal123 Posts: 27
    Men: chest
    Women: legs
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    My girlfriends eyes steal my heart every time I look into them.
  • DeenaSteelerGirl
    DeenaSteelerGirl Posts: 421 Member
    Men. Arms - abs - chest.. muscles...yummy.

    Women.. Boobs - abs - face... eyes.. hair.. you know pretty. : )
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    My girlfriends eyes steal my heart every time I look into them.

    That's so sweet :)
  • supatim
    supatim Posts: 239 Member
    i really like my elbows. most boys like my elbows too. i don't know what it is.

    on boys ... ~shoulders~.... holy hell.

    I had no idea you even HAD elbows! Really with the shoulders? Give the rest of us slouchers a chance...
  • trich33702
    trich33702 Posts: 21 Member
    What is your favorite feature on a woman/man? Mine is chest and arms for a man. On women I like the stomach and boobs.. I have a fascination with boobs lol-- Don't judge me :)
  • trich33702
    trich33702 Posts: 21 Member
    DITTO! :)
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    On a man: arms and shoulders
  • RunFatGuyRun
    RunFatGuyRun Posts: 64 Member
    Women abs, butt, and legs; acutally nice abs on anyone looks good espcially with a tan...lol
  • UTDodger
    UTDodger Posts: 18
    Face and hair
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I'm really drawn to mens hands.

    I have a weird attraction to long skinny-ish fingers that are the same width the whole length of the finger (so they don't taper, to me that's womanly). I honestly don't' know if I could have married someone with sausage fingers. That's the one physical trait i'm shallow about lol