Running out of ideas!

I've been dieting for a few months and it's getting to the point where I have no clue what to make or eat. I've fooled myself into thinking I can eat whatever as long as it doesn't go over my calorie requirement. I know this is wrong. But really, I'm stuck for anything.

I'm looking for recipe's and ideas I can make now, simple that can help me reach my goal. The thing is, I'm a very fussy eater. As of late I've been eating Pasta and Chicken, along with Noodles and Cous Cous, but it's getting repetitive and boring. I'm really not a fruit or veg person, and I only like Peas, Carrots and Potatoes, and fruit wise Apples and Banana's. I also don't know what I can create thats low calories and overall healthy for me.

Can anyone help me? I've been searching online but nothing really burst out to me. I'm looking for lunch and dinner recipes that are low on vegetables (Apart from Carrots, Peas and Potatoes) but also low on calories? Also, what can I have with Pasta, Noodles and Rice to mix up my meals?