haha girls only.



  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    This is exciting! You're finally a woman! I'm surprised your first period has come so late though.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    HO yea.

    on a side note... *b!tch moan complain argargarg hormones aaaaaaaaauuuuugh* <-- other side effects of Shark Week. :P
  • Really, what did your body do the last however many times you had your period. I mean its not like something that comes around once in a lifetime. Its a monthly occurance. You should know the answer to this by now.
    I would assume that people who ask this question have never weighed themselves on a regular basis, so no, they wouldn't know it.

    Let me guess, it's your TOM?
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I just saw all the mean-ness in the above posts and wow. Ladies. Sounds like some of you are on your Shark Week right now! haha :P

    But in all seriousness...

    Some of us are lucky to have very mild side effects when it comes to Shark Week. A minimal, steady flow that finishes within a few days, minimal cramping, no migraines... all that.

    Some of us, unfortunately, have to deal with some intense side-effects EVERY TIME Shark Week comes around. A friend of mine has to take at least one day a month off of work because her cramps and migraines get so intense that she's basically bedridden. Doesn't that sound awful??

    Man, am I LUCKY!

    So basically... Don't be haters, y'all. :P
  • BarbBlue
    BarbBlue Posts: 251
    Yes! I always gain 4 lbs! It is so annoying, I just basically ignore the scale during that time.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    i havent had a period in over three years due to taking depo-provera, but sometimes, not very often, i'll get a little bloated for a couple of days for no good reason, i chalk it up to hormones being a little more intense that month...so it can cause a weight gain... i normally gain a pound or two so i dont worry about it..
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    it causes me to lose weight....I think because all that blood is leaving my body...
    ALL that blood? It's estimated to be about 4-6 TBSP. That is barely going to register on most scales.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    not really ... the amount of tissue/blood buildup really is only a couple of ounces. it's never effected my weight ever.
    It's not about the volume of blood/tissue. It's generally about water retention. Clearly we don't all retain water. Women who DO retain water do not all retain the same amount of water. Personally, I don't retain water from TOM or salt. But lots of women do. Including both of my sisters who blow up like balloons.
  • SexyMidnight
    SexyMidnight Posts: 72 Member
    yes i have gained 3 pounds this week and im not to happy about it!! i have never really paid attention but now that i think about it it makes me gain and its a part of life its not fair that we have to have set backs but it happens! but its better to have a period then not to have one am i right :wink:
  • brklnlrsn
    brklnlrsn Posts: 28
    I just got my period again today and weigh myself on Sundays. This will be my second weigh in since I started on June 3rd. I'm not really worried about it. I was just asking.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    yes i have gained 3 pounds this week and im not to happy about it!! i have never really paid attention but now that i think about it it makes me gain and its a part of life its not fair that we have to have set backs but it happens! but its better to have a period then not to have one am i right :wink:

    VERY VERY RIGHT!!! I'll take the weight gain from the TOM over the weight gain from the baby ANY day :laugh: :laugh:
  • There is an urban legend that if you stand on your head for a minute, do a cartwheel and then snap your fingers you will avoid the weight gain. Wait, no.. thats not and urban legend. I just made that up.

    Not an urban legend.... yet. :laugh: I'm going to spam everyone I know on facebook with this info and see how many friends I can get to stand on their heads and attempt cartwheels. :devil:

    To the OP-- If this is the first time you've had a "weigh in" while on your period, you might notice some weight fluctuation. However, if you've been active and eating healthy, I wouldn't expect to see too much of a difference. Generally speaking- if I force myself to workout in spite of the cramps and avoid falling face first into a bag of chocolates- I don't gain weight with my period (and occasionally, have a pretty decent loss). It's when I sit on the couch feeling sorry for myself and decide that I have earned milk and cookies that my period "makes" me gain weight. :smile: