All 4 wisdom teeth?



  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 845 Member
    I had one removed because it cracked. I didnt have insurance at the time so only had that one removed. Having a top and no bottom changes the way you bite, there is nothing for the top tooth to reach down to and the space on the bottom started to harden and grow to meet the top tooth. Just do them all and get it over with. It will pay off in the long run.
  • AC417
    AC417 Posts: 56 Member
    I have all four wisdom teeth and have had no overcrowding, hygiene or pain issues. My dentist has told me he sees no reason to remove them.
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    I had all four of mine taken out at once. My bottom ones were impacted and the roots had wrapped around my jaw bone. (Thank goodness I was under when he took them out - my oral surgeon said it took awhile). But with a good oral surgeon, you'll be back to normal in a few days. And honestly, the uppers are really no big deal, the bottom ones take longer to heal and you're more likely to get food stuck in the "holes" until they heal up. And you might not have any problems now, but the roots are monsters and I've heard of situations where the roots of the uppers get all tangled (somehow) with the sinuses. I've also heard that wisdom teeth have a tendency to have the root die, which can lead to infections and serious pain...and if the roots are close to the sinuses...well, that can lead to further complications.

    If you've got insurance, I say do it all at once. Better than potentially having to go back a second time if the uppers start causing you problems. And really, like I said, the uppers will be no big deal, especially since yours aren't impacted.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I have mine, and never had a problem with them.
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    I had all 4 of mine removed in January. The bottom two were impacted and causing a TON of pain. I ended up with "dry sockets," which was EXCRUTIATING, and I had to go to the dentist, daily, to have dressings put in to dull the pain. The top ones gave me no problems and didn't cause any pain, post-removal. I'm not sure why they recommend getting them all out? I just figured I would do it all at once.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I had 3 wisdom teeth, I have 2 now. The third was only removed because it was literally rotting and falling apart. The other two are fully out, maybe slightly crooked compared to my molars, but there's nothing wrong with them and it wasn't recommended they even be touched.

    If they're not seeing any sign of an actual problem right now or highly possible in the future, I don't see why they should touch them. Most dentists will want them out since really we don't have any use for wisdom teeth and their rooting system is so weak they are prone to problems even if well taken care of. A lot of people can live with their wisdom teeth, some can't but as I said if they're not seeing any problem at the moment or in the future for your teeth, I wouldn't be so gun-ho. If they're impacted it's a painful painful process that requires a lot of ginger care for weeks after. (even mine's required a tone down on workouts and real care about what I eat and how I consume it because you have to let the hole form a clot or scar and make sure it doesn't get removed and cause a hollow socket)

    If they'e insistent and you've had at least 3 other dentists say the same thing, then consider it at the least.
  • I had braces and my orthodontist made me remove all four, which was fine. He said if i didn't it would ruin all the work he did with the braces. I have never had a problem with my teeth since. But I have friends who left theirs in and ended up having to get them removed later on when they were older. So just get them taken out, it will prevent any future problems..period.
  • sherry9300
    sherry9300 Posts: 149 Member
    I made it to my mid-30s with all my wisdom teeth and then I got a cavity in one. Most likely because I could never get back there to floss and brush appropriately. Anyway, they did give me the choice to take 1 or 4, but recommended that I go with all four so I wouldn't have to do it again if I had any other issues with the remaining wisdom teeth. I am so glad I did it! I had absolutely no problems and I don't have to worry about going through it a second time.
  • jaduff
    jaduff Posts: 12
    As a dental hygienist I can tell you that generally the reason to remove the upper ones along with the lowers is that if you
    Have no teeth on the bottom to meet or oppose the upper ones, eventually they will erupt further down into the mouth
    Until they are hitting the gums down below or become loose from lack of bone support and need to be removed anyway.
    Dentists typically recommend wisdom teeth to be removed at a younger age so you can heal better and faster.
  • jocewar
    jocewar Posts: 27 Member
    I was told to get all 4 of mine surgically removed but another dentist said he could do it with no surgery, so stupid me went to him. They put me on gas, forgot about me, got me an hour later, kind of high, injected a needle and proceeded to break my wisdom teeth to extract them before any pain killers or freezing started. He had me in a headlock, it hurt like crap. When they were done, they never cleaned me, let me go to the waiting room with blood all over my face, and charged me for the gas that they forgot to turn off. But no more problem with my wisdom teeth hurting. Lol
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    i had all 4 of mine removed 5 years ago when i was 43 i was having problems with em so cutting em out was my only option and i had no problems at all never even hurt bleed quite a bit for the first two days but never did hurt good luck
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    somehow I ended up with 5 wisdom teeth and had them all removed, it was bothering me though.
  • steph124ny
    steph124ny Posts: 238 Member
    The top ones could very likely cause you problems down the road. Most doctors generally don't recommend anesthesia (which is really the way to go to get wisdom teeth removed) more than is absolutely necessary because it comes with risks. If you are going to do 2, you might as well do all 4 and remove the risks of additional anesthesia down the road. Wisdom teeth are notorious for causing problems, even when they are through. My husband put off having his done for a long time, and when he finally went in for the procedure, it was more difficult than if he had gotten them out much younger.

    Plus, the recovery, although not always terrible, is no walk in the park either, and you probably wouldn't want to go through it twice. Might as well get it all done and over with.
  • I had all 4 out, didn't swell up and it didn't hurt. Just had to keep everything clean until it healed completely.
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    As a part-time Dental Assistant I agree with this!
    As a dental hygienist I can tell you that generally the reason to remove the upper ones along with the lowers is that if you
    Have no teeth on the bottom to meet or oppose the upper ones, eventually they will erupt further down into the mouth
    Until they are hitting the gums down below or become loose from lack of bone support and need to be removed anyway.
    Dentists typically recommend wisdom teeth to be removed at a younger age so you can heal better and faster.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    What's the point of keeping the top, if there aren't teeth at the bottom to chew with? lol.

    I have all mine.
    They came in & I didn't know.
    The orthodontist was shocked.
  • cmp_denver
    cmp_denver Posts: 44 Member
    I had it done. It's definitely no fun, and it hurts for MANY days after but it was worth it. Think on the bright side, you won't feel like eating so you'll lose a little extra weight!
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    Had all four of mine pulled after my high school graduation.....great present (thanks mom and dad!!)...didn't have any overcrowding or anything....teeth are still beautiful!
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I had all of mine. Had to pull one because of a cavity. No real issue. My dentist asked if I wanted them out and I told him no, and he respected it... Later when I ended up with a cavity I was fine getting it pulled. I'm actually missing 3 teeth, 2 molars and a wisdom tooth all on the same side. I chew just fine on that side too. No biggy. LOOK, it comes down to you. YOU are the one who has to pay for it, YOU are the one who will be in pain, YOU are the one who will live with or without them... It's up to YOU!
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    I have all three of my wisdom teeth. (I only had three!) I've gotten mixed reviews from dentist regarding the removal. I've seen three dentist from the same practice. Two said they were fine and could stay and the other one wanted to pull them. I decided to let them stay because they weren't giving me any issues. I just make sure I brush them very well.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I only have 2 wisdom teeth to begin with (my mom had none lol).
    Anyway they haven't grown in at all or caused me any problems so I will most likely not need to have them pulled.
    I would probably ask around a bit more having had braces and dental surgery I feel like the dentists I've been to were always trying to get me to do just one more thing to my mouth.
    One insisted I get the extra gum tissue between my two front teeth cut off with some laser type thing.
    I later found out that it was very likely I would lose feeling in that part of my mouth. Eek!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I went to the dentist this week and she reccomended (like every other dentist I have seen since I was 16) that I have all 4 wisdom teeth removed. I'm not totally convinced. I did agree that my bottom 2 teeth need to be removed because one is half way through (for the last 2 years) and the other just started coming through. BUT my top 2 wisdom teeth came in fine, no issues or over crowding and certainly no cavities. Why do I need to have 2 perfectly healthy teeth surgically removed? I have no problems cleaning around them. I have excellent hygiene, never a cavity. The dentist couldn't give me a solid reason. I asked my MD and he said other than monetary gain he didn't know why they would insist on removing them.

    So my question is..Have you had only 2 wisdom teeth removed and regretted it? Can anyone think of a reason I should torture myself and have all 4 removed?

    Thanks in advance.

    I would do a little research on this...wisdom tooth removal has been said to be one of the most common unnecessary surgeries today. And any surgery is significant.

    I would seek more than one opinion. If you're near a dental school, (where residents are overseen by professors), then that might be a way to go to get an unbiased opinion.

    I had all 4 out years ago, and they were impacted. I have no idea if I really needed it or not. My son has all 4 and it was recommended not to have them out (they are not impacted).

    If you feel good, and there's no medical reason, you should take your time.
  • mpetruk
    mpetruk Posts: 3
    As a dental hygienist I can tell you that generally the reason to remove the upper ones along with the lowers is that if you
    Have no teeth on the bottom to meet or oppose the upper ones, eventually they will erupt further down into the mouth
    Until they are hitting the gums down below or become loose from lack of bone support and need to be removed anyway.
    Dentists typically recommend wisdom teeth to be removed at a younger age so you can heal better and faster.

    Ditto, as a 3rd Year dental student who had all 4 removed at once. The supra-eruption tends to be a really big problem when you get much older and need things like bridges and crowns, but the tooth erupted into the space you would have needed.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I never had my wisdom teeth removed, I have all of mine. Never has caused me a problem (I'm 38).

    My daughter's dentist says she should have hers removed, and I probably will.

    I was 38 when I got mine removed.

    All 4 at once. Dr. said I was his worst patient ever - LOL - even unconscious I guess I fought him the whole time. I of course don't remember a thing!
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    I was told to get all 4 of mine surgically removed but another dentist said he could do it with no surgery, so stupid me went to him. They put me on gas, forgot about me, got me an hour later, kind of high, injected a needle and proceeded to break my wisdom teeth to extract them before any pain killers or freezing started. He had me in a headlock, it hurt like crap. When they were done, they never cleaned me, let me go to the waiting room with blood all over my face, and charged me for the gas that they forgot to turn off. But no more problem with my wisdom teeth hurting. Lol

    Good grief! What a terrible dentist! I sure hope you didn't go back to that place!
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    P.S. The older you get, the harder (longer) the healing process is. I had mine done when I was 25...and wished I would've gotten them out when I was 17 like my dentist recommended - BEFORE they were impacted and causing problems.

    I still say if you're getting the two out, might as well get all four. It'll save you healing time in the long run.
  • jocewar
    jocewar Posts: 27 Member
    I was told to get all 4 of mine surgically removed but another dentist said he could do it with no surgery, so stupid me went to him. They put me on gas, forgot about me, got me an hour later, kind of high, injected a needle and proceeded to break my wisdom teeth to extract them before any pain killers or freezing started. He had me in a headlock, it hurt like crap. When they were done, they never cleaned me, let me go to the waiting room with blood all over my face, and charged me for the gas that they forgot to turn off. But no more problem with my wisdom teeth hurting. Lol

    Good grief! What a terrible dentist! I sure hope you didn't go back to that place!

    Yeah no way I went back! He's still in business though.
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    I got 2 pulled out and I'm alright. The heal process was quick and I took off a few days off work but I could have went to work the next day lol
  • clh126
    clh126 Posts: 115 Member
    I only had one of mine taken out because even though it hadn't erupted, there was a little bump on the side of my jaw where it would eventually erupt and rub on my inner cheek. I actually had it done while I was in Thailand b/c I didn't have any dental insurance at the time and the whole thing was $80 at a fancy private dental clinic. They actually refused to take out the other three because they weren't causing any problems and did not look like they were erupting. That was almost 10 years ago and they're still okay, knock on wood.

    The tooth was totally impacted, but they cut it out and sutured it all with just local anesthesia! I didn't feel a thing except a lot of pressure. Pretty amazing really. He gave me pain meds and I didn't even need them. I was eating soft foods the next day.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    DO IT. I am 24 and never had my wisdom teeth removed, I have been SUFFERING for the past week because of one. It is so hard to clean them thoroughly. I have to brush my teeth 4 times a day because if anything gets stuck it HURTS. not to mention they pushed all of my teeth closer together so its impossible to floss correctly and looks not good. do it now before you have to do it when
    you're writhing in pain like me.

    DO IT, because of this!! I got mine removed in 2 sets, left and right. Last summer. Best thing I ever did. I was advised when I was a teen and it gradually got worse. Just do it. If you're lucky like me, doing it later and getting complications do to age, time lapsed (cavities, decay, moved bite/teeth) and infection, it's just best to do it earlier. I wish I had done it when my oral surgeon wanted to do it a decade and a half ago!!