All 4 wisdom teeth?



  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    i had all 4 removed at once. never regretted it.

    Same here. It was nice to not worry about them anymore, and I've never noticed a problem.

    and apparently it increased your chances of pregnancy! :)

    LOL! Clearly! :wink:

  • I dunno, man. All 4 of mine were impacted so they were miserable. But I do know my cousins had 2 removed and they've been fine. But I'd be careful going against recommendation
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I had all four of mine taken out when I was 16. It's no biggie...I even worked a 12 hour shift at my job at Shopko the next day (the gal who was supposed to relieve me called in sick cause she had two of hers taken out the previous day...imagine the crap the managers gave her for being a wuss when I volunteered to take her shift). I looked like a chipmunk by the end of the day, and took a pain pill that night to sleep, but within a few days I was 100 percent completely normal (well, as normal as I get anyway)
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    I have 1 on top that has come through. My 2 bottom ones are sideways. My dentist won't touch the bottoms because she said it would do more harm to my mouth to try to remove them right now. She said she will leave the tops ones since I haven't had any issues with them.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I had all 4 surgically removed when I was like 14 or 15.... Saw the x-rays (they had not grown out yet). I am so glad they removed it. Those teeth would have messed up my other teeth. And I had braces!!!
  • My dentist told me (he even showed me articles) that over crowding doesn't cause crooked teeth. Then my teeth started going crooked........I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed and haven't had a problem since.
    Maybe it's really individual....
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Honestly, I'd want it all done at once, with a nice supply of pain meds than to spread it out. But that's just me.
  • kooky_kiz
    kooky_kiz Posts: 22 Member
    I had all for removed at 22 because they were causing me a mountain load of pain, I had them taken out under a local anasetic. firsth the top two, then one bottom one a week later and the last one a week after that. NO REGRETS.
  • What good would keeping the top two be if you took out the bottom two. The top two wouldn't be of any use since they wouldn't have anything working with then in chewing. I would say take all four out or leave all four in.
  • ForMe31217
    ForMe31217 Posts: 42
    I had all 4 wisdom teetch pulled the summer before my 9th grade. only two broke the skin and the other two they said will break skin one day but better just to get them all out at once since they were visible in the xrays. Better safe then sorry
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 845 Member
    I had one removed because it cracked. I didnt have insurance at the time so only had that one removed. Having a top and no bottom changes the way you bite, there is nothing for the top tooth to reach down to and the space on the bottom started to harden and grow to meet the top tooth. Just do them all and get it over with. It will pay off in the long run.
  • AC417
    AC417 Posts: 56 Member
    I have all four wisdom teeth and have had no overcrowding, hygiene or pain issues. My dentist has told me he sees no reason to remove them.
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    I had all four of mine taken out at once. My bottom ones were impacted and the roots had wrapped around my jaw bone. (Thank goodness I was under when he took them out - my oral surgeon said it took awhile). But with a good oral surgeon, you'll be back to normal in a few days. And honestly, the uppers are really no big deal, the bottom ones take longer to heal and you're more likely to get food stuck in the "holes" until they heal up. And you might not have any problems now, but the roots are monsters and I've heard of situations where the roots of the uppers get all tangled (somehow) with the sinuses. I've also heard that wisdom teeth have a tendency to have the root die, which can lead to infections and serious pain...and if the roots are close to the sinuses...well, that can lead to further complications.

    If you've got insurance, I say do it all at once. Better than potentially having to go back a second time if the uppers start causing you problems. And really, like I said, the uppers will be no big deal, especially since yours aren't impacted.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I have mine, and never had a problem with them.
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    I had all 4 of mine removed in January. The bottom two were impacted and causing a TON of pain. I ended up with "dry sockets," which was EXCRUTIATING, and I had to go to the dentist, daily, to have dressings put in to dull the pain. The top ones gave me no problems and didn't cause any pain, post-removal. I'm not sure why they recommend getting them all out? I just figured I would do it all at once.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I had 3 wisdom teeth, I have 2 now. The third was only removed because it was literally rotting and falling apart. The other two are fully out, maybe slightly crooked compared to my molars, but there's nothing wrong with them and it wasn't recommended they even be touched.

    If they're not seeing any sign of an actual problem right now or highly possible in the future, I don't see why they should touch them. Most dentists will want them out since really we don't have any use for wisdom teeth and their rooting system is so weak they are prone to problems even if well taken care of. A lot of people can live with their wisdom teeth, some can't but as I said if they're not seeing any problem at the moment or in the future for your teeth, I wouldn't be so gun-ho. If they're impacted it's a painful painful process that requires a lot of ginger care for weeks after. (even mine's required a tone down on workouts and real care about what I eat and how I consume it because you have to let the hole form a clot or scar and make sure it doesn't get removed and cause a hollow socket)

    If they'e insistent and you've had at least 3 other dentists say the same thing, then consider it at the least.
  • I had braces and my orthodontist made me remove all four, which was fine. He said if i didn't it would ruin all the work he did with the braces. I have never had a problem with my teeth since. But I have friends who left theirs in and ended up having to get them removed later on when they were older. So just get them taken out, it will prevent any future problems..period.
  • sherry9300
    sherry9300 Posts: 149 Member
    I made it to my mid-30s with all my wisdom teeth and then I got a cavity in one. Most likely because I could never get back there to floss and brush appropriately. Anyway, they did give me the choice to take 1 or 4, but recommended that I go with all four so I wouldn't have to do it again if I had any other issues with the remaining wisdom teeth. I am so glad I did it! I had absolutely no problems and I don't have to worry about going through it a second time.
  • jaduff
    jaduff Posts: 12
    As a dental hygienist I can tell you that generally the reason to remove the upper ones along with the lowers is that if you
    Have no teeth on the bottom to meet or oppose the upper ones, eventually they will erupt further down into the mouth
    Until they are hitting the gums down below or become loose from lack of bone support and need to be removed anyway.
    Dentists typically recommend wisdom teeth to be removed at a younger age so you can heal better and faster.
  • jocewar
    jocewar Posts: 27 Member
    I was told to get all 4 of mine surgically removed but another dentist said he could do it with no surgery, so stupid me went to him. They put me on gas, forgot about me, got me an hour later, kind of high, injected a needle and proceeded to break my wisdom teeth to extract them before any pain killers or freezing started. He had me in a headlock, it hurt like crap. When they were done, they never cleaned me, let me go to the waiting room with blood all over my face, and charged me for the gas that they forgot to turn off. But no more problem with my wisdom teeth hurting. Lol