Full Time Carer Looking for Support

Hi, I am full time carer to my 2 year, 9 month old daughter who has mitochondrial disease (life limiting). I was referred to this site by another forum that suggested MyFitnessPal would be a perfect tool to help me to get myself back on track health and fitness-wise. I am waiting for respite assistance, which could take 12 months or more, and in the meantime I do not have a lot of support or time for myself. I am happily committed to my girl, but definitely feeling isolated, lonely and unmotivated.
Today I have started my journey with MyFitnessPal, and I hope to give and receive support throughout the ride. Life is bittersweet at the moment, and I have had a sharp knock to my beliefs, values and priorities. I don't want to waste a moment, and want to be able to realise the richness and reward of my situation in all of its fullness. We are lucky to have been given the heads-up that we won't have forever with our little girl, so we are able to appreciate every minute.
For me, balance has been lacking, and I am at the point where I need to invest back into myself so that my family doesn't suffer. My tank has been running on near empty for longer than I care to admit, and it is time to top it back up. Learn to laugh and feel enthusiastic and not weighed down and a little overwhelmed by each day.


  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    Hi Im Kay. Im so sorry to hear about your daughter. I pray that your family have all the strength you need.
    Here is a short exercise that I do when Im pressed for time and it only take 10 minutes and you'll be sweaty. I promise. :wink:
    I burn about 140 calories. I use a heart rate monitor to get a calorie count.

    1min Weight lifting with dumbbells (I do bicep curls with squats) 
    3min Jumping jacks 
    3min Jump rope 
    3min Running in place 

    Another thing that I do is I pay myself $1 everyday that I workout. I set a goal for myself. Ex:$30 and once I reach it I use it to reward myself. You could maybe use it to get manicures with your daughter and have quality time.

    You can add me if you like: ckametria
  • MarlinWil
    MarlinWil Posts: 119 Member
    Hi, Kay.

    Cool exercises! I really appreciate your kind words as well as your very practical advice. And paying yourself for working out is a GREAT idea. Thank you. I have truly gotten out of the habit of rewarding myself. It never occurs to me. This would kill two birds (or more) with just the one stone.


    PS I'd like to add you, but am not sure how. Will unravel the mystery and let you know how I go with the exercises.
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    Sorry to hear about your daughter :( I hope she is here for longer than you anticipate and remains pain free and you all share lots of happiness and love together :)

    Good on you for realising you need balance and some YOU time. You are right your time with your family will be more filled with quality if you are getting some balance :) Exercise really does help to clear the head and releases happy hormones :)

    Sorry i don't have any other advice but just wanted to tell you i admire you for making the most of what must be a heart breaking situation *hugs*
  • MarlinWil
    MarlinWil Posts: 119 Member
    I wish I had found this site months ago. Talk about positive reinforcement. I could have been receiving all these kind and understanding words so much sooner. Thank you all for reaching out to uplift a stranger. It truly amazes me how much your support has lifted and lightened me. Not sure if that makes sense, but it is the best way I know to describe how I feel today. Can't remember when last I felt so able to rise to the challenge before me - the ME challenge. It is so easy to be there for the ones I love, not sure why it is so much harder to put the same care and attention into myself. You guys make me believe it can be done. Thank you, once again. Probably you will all get sick of me saying that!
