bananas and smoothies

msgunder Posts: 65 Member
I've never used a banana before in smoothies. Do they have to be frozen?


  • Sparkles93
    Sparkles93 Posts: 6 Member
    No, they don't have to be frozen-I put fresh bananas in smoothies all the time. Although, just a warning, you can really taste them in smoothies. That's why I usually use a half of a banana, so that the flavor doesn't overwhelm the rest of the fruit/ingredients! Hope this helped!
  • PurpleEpiphany
    I think adding a banana (or half) makes a smoothie thicker, without having to use ice cream or something like that. Plus it's delicious :)
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    I use a frozen banana, about 5 frozen strawberries, cold apple juice and a scoop of vanilla whey protein! YUMMMMM!
  • Naturally_sassy0525
    Naturally_sassy0525 Posts: 134 Member
    I always use a ripe frozen banana in my smoothies..but I make sure I use enought liquid cause it can make then kind of thick!
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    they go well with protein shakes too!

    A green smoothie with banana, spinach, blueberries, and rasberries! it's really good!
  • missmorninglory
    I always use half a frozen banana, gives it more of a milkshake consistency.
  • 8kidsmom
    8kidsmom Posts: 40
    I didn't know you could make a smoothie without a banana! LOL I do it either way, but frozen is WAY better. You can freeze them in the peel, then just run it under hot water and peel it with a knife, takes 30 seconds. HTH
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    I always use a ripe frozen banana in my smoothies..but I make sure I use enought liquid cause it can make then kind of thick!

    LOL! True! If you don't use enough liquid, it comes out way too thick. I made one once and it came out as thick as spackle. Good point! :)
  • cristaine
    cristaine Posts: 87
    I prefer them frozen as then they get the consistency of a milkshake. =)

    ALSO: If you have a decent blender (we have a Vitamix) you can toss a plain old frozen banana in with some powdered cocoa (unsweetened) and blend it into a soft serve icecream-like product. I throw some chopped walnuts on top and it truly IS deceivingly delicious - you will think you are eating something way more caloric than you are =) Everyone else gets ice cream and I have that, and I don't miss the ice cream either because its equally good. Will be trying different flavours this year to see what works. =)

    Oh and I always throw in a cup or two of baby spinach in my smoothies, usually with some sort of protein powder. The colour is HORRIBLE lol but you honestly don't taste the spinach at all. I much prefer drinking some of my greens than eating them all. Not sure how this will work in a regular blender, but it liquidizes completely in a Vitamix.
  • msgunder
    msgunder Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas! I'm going to go put some in the freezer right now:)
  • msgunder
    msgunder Posts: 65 Member
    I didn't know you could make a smoothie without a banana! LOL I do it either way, but frozen is WAY better. You can freeze them in the peel, then just run it under hot water and peel it with a knife, takes 30 seconds. HTH

    Can they be frozen w/o the peel?
  • annebubbles
    annebubbles Posts: 83 Member
    forget the smoothies, I justmake mine into sugar-free/fat-free ice cream!!