Wii Fit?



  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Wii fit is also a good system to use on rest days when you need a little bit of calories. :bigsmile:
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I thought Wii Fit & Pregnancy would actually work. It's low impact. It's usually the higher impact workouts while pregnant can be the dangerous thing.

    I have a high family history of miscarriages and premature births. I saw that message when you first load it up that you should ask a health professional before/ or not intended for people that have blah blah blah stuff, and decided it wasn't worth losing my baby to exercising on a game. I did do a bit of exercise during pregnancy but not a lot. I ended up giving birth a month early anyway.
  • mandamommy3
    mandamommy3 Posts: 297 Member
    I still use it for weigh ins, and I do Walk It Out on the Wii. But I started 30DS this week so I'm not using the actual Fit so much right now, but I was using only the Wii for my exercise up till Monday.
  • Mommagoose4
    Mommagoose4 Posts: 129 Member
    I use wii fit 5+ days a week - I use the EA sport games & dance games. If you want a friend feel free to add.
    I have lost 45 lbs in 3 & 1/2 months.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522
    I use it to weigh myself.
    Sometimes I do the Rhythm Boxing & Super Hula Hoop.
    The other stuff is boring when you play by yourself.

    I rather EA Sports Active, it's realistic exercise.
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    I have been using the Kinect everyday, I still use the WII stuff, but the Kinect stuff is a little better. I have EA Active for the ps3, but I haven't tried it as of yet.
  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    I use mine almost every day to weigh myself, and then I usually end up doing some Super Hula Hoop, at a minimum. I do some of the strength training exercises and yoga, and the step, free run, and some of the games. I guess I do use it rather frequently. I am the worst at that stupid snowball game. I do see that it has helped my balance and strength, and I can break a sweat. They are nice to do on "rest" days, as someone else said above.

    Other than Wii Fit games, I love, love the Just Dance games and do at least 15-20 minutes of them at least a few times a week. I also have My Fitness Coach and The Biggest Loser, both of which I will go back to as soon as I finish up with 30 Day Shred.
  • treblemaker90
    treblemaker90 Posts: 65 Member
    I use it on the days that my gym is closed or I can't get there for one reason or another. So not super often but still really glad that I have it!