Does anyone else feel this way sometimes?



  • Shanel_Troia
    I am feeling better. I haven't eaten anything too heavy in case I was to get sick again. It hurts too much! lol This is only the second day with the vitamin and come to think of it I felt kinds yucky the first time I took it also. My mother in law suggested that maybe my body wasn't used to it. The last time I really remember feeling this way was when I was pregnant with both my kids. Ugh I hope that is not the case this time. Either way I am keeping my Dr. appointment, its time for that anyway. I am hoping that it isn't a bug or anything. My Grandmother is very ill and now my son is sick, that is the last thing I need right now. Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions and support.
  • littleone68
    littleone68 Posts: 67 Member
    A couple of people that posted got it right on the money. There is a reason why it says on the bottle "take with food". I had the same problem when I first started taking vitamins and still do now when I forget or don't have time to eat breakfast first. A lot of people are used to taking medication and/or supplements first thing in the morning, even before breakfast. The best way to alleviate this is to take your vitamin with lunch or dinner . I would say that if by tomorrow you didn't feel better then there would be a possibility that you had a touch of the flu.
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    Personally, I eat the meal first, then take the vitamin, so nothing can happen to interrupt me because I'll be throwing up before I have time to get a second glass of water if I take something on an empty tummy.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    Personally, I eat the meal first, then take the vitamin, so nothing can happen to interrupt me because I'll be throwing up before I have time to get a second glass of water if I take something on an empty tummy.

    ^ ......what she said.

    And if you think you are getting the flu, please stay away from the gym. It is a petrie dish of little germies already. Don't pass on the illness. I hope it was just the vitamin! Feel better. And maybe a little home pregnancy test couldn't hurt. :tongue:
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    Hey I hope that you feel better soon! Just a few little tid bits that I have for you. I know that water pills can be really bad for you! I have seen a documentry about this. Also have you considered getting a water pitcher with a filter in it or one to put on your sink at home? I have the water pitcher and I will not drink plain tap water anymore it's just nasty to me! The filter makes a world of difference because before I hated drinking water and now that is all I drink! I hope that you and your son feel better soon!

    stick to tap water in general because filtered water tends to be very high in sodium!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    Hey I hope that you feel better soon! Just a few little tid bits that I have for you. I know that water pills can be really bad for you! I have seen a documentry about this. Also have you considered getting a water pitcher with a filter in it or one to put on your sink at home? I have the water pitcher and I will not drink plain tap water anymore it's just nasty to me! The filter makes a world of difference because before I hated drinking water and now that is all I drink! I hope that you and your son feel better soon!

    stick to tap water in general because filtered water tends to be very high in sodium!

    Brita is filtered tap water. It filters through charcoal. It doesn't "add" anything that isn't there already. As a matter of fact, in 1966 Brita was created to de-salinate water. You could be thinking of sparkling water, or soda, seltzer as it is also called. Soda/seltzer/sparkling waters DO have higher amounts of sodium than tap water. Tap water also contains chlorine, lead, and other contaminates not healthy for humans.

    Filtered tap water is better than bottled too, because you are not wasting resources creating all the plastic bottles that go into landfills in most parts of the country. Here in Seattle, we have mandatory recycling.

    Brita filters website: click "press and news" for a 4 minute podcast:

    Where did you get the information that filtered water has high sodium? I would like to read it! Knowledge is power.


  • LibethV
    i'm holding in my hand a bottle of dasani water and it claims to have 0mg of sodium. it does say "enhanced with minerals for... taste". just FYI, i don't mean to sound cranky! :smile:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    i'm holding in my hand a bottle of dasani water and it claims to have 0mg of sodium. it does say "enhanced with minerals for... taste". just FYI, i don't mean to sound cranky! :smile:

    Filtered water does NOT generally have sodium (such as Dasani - which is filtered water, processed by reverse osmosis, bottled by Coca Cola.) We are on the same page. :drinker:

    Just the bottle itself is waste......

  • Shanel_Troia
    Thank you all so much for your thoughts. I haven't taken the vitamin's since that first day. I have not been feeling well. You just have to love having kids. I have the flu. I Don't think that is why I got sick with the vitamin though. I think it was because I didn't eat yet that day. After I begin to feel better, I am going to take it in the evening with my dinner or shortly there after and see how that goes. I do have another question for you all. I still try to drink water and I know that there is no calories in diet soda. So it it alright to drink diet soda? I am wondering if it is only the calories that helped me put of 15 pounds a year just b/c of the soda. I have bought diet Mt. Dew and it's not that bad, I just don't want to trade one vise for another!:laugh:
  • jaxkipi
    jaxkipi Posts: 233
    I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. I went to wake up my son to get ready for school and found him with a temp of 104.4. I gave him some medicine and sent him back to bed. I went back into my room and was going to lay back down after I took me vitamin and water pill. I only put 8oz of water in a cup say per the directions and weighed myself. I laid back down and began to feel ill. I wanted to wait a little bit after I took my pills before I at. It wasn't even 10 minutes and I was in the bath room throwing up. It was all water and alot more than I drank. I didn't see anything that looked like medicine and so I wasn't going to take anymore. I still feel yucky and like I could throw up. I did eat shorty after getting sick, something small. I had a yogurt and a special k breakfast bar thingy. I asked my Dad to come and sit with the kids so I could try to go to the gym hoping that would make me feel better. I do feel better, but like I can throw up any moment. Do you think maybe I need to eat something better? Maybe take a antacid and call it good. I don't normally take anything other than alive for a headache until I cut back my calories, and started eating better. Any suggestions other than going to the doctor? I hate going to the doctor and I've already thought about making an appointment! :wink:

    Vitamins on an empty stomach can make you feel very ill and possibly cause you to throw up. I hope it's not the flu. :sick: I'm sorry. Someone else stated here, make sure to stay hydrated while you're sick. Once you have an electrolyte imbalance, you'll start to have an array of different problems...I hope you feel better soon! :heart: :flowerforyou: