Horrified by my sugar intake



  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    I just find it easier not to eat sugar and high sugar fruit. My cravings lessen significantly after about 30 days and I feel so much better and have so much more energy. I eat high protein/moderate carb and try to eat unprocessed food. I have been doing this since Feb 12 and have lost 20 lbs/. I keep calories at about 1500 and try to exercise moderately 5 days/week
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Lift weights. Eat sugar after you lift. No problem.
  • when your brain craves sugar, it doesn't know the difference between natural sugars from fruits and actual **** sugar from candybars - why don't you have a chocolate protein shake, a protein pancake http://toneitup.com/blog.php?Protein-Pancakes-Low-carb-low-fat-and-delicious-1973

    some sweet fruits like starwberries, honeydew, rockmelon, watermelon - you could have natural yoghurt with honey and apricot and almond museli with strawberries, be creative,

    if you are serious about weight loss you will throw all the crap in your fridge and cupboard in the bin and start buying healthy foods , you won't be tempted to eat **** because your WILL POWER is stronger than your temptations. YOU WANT TO BE FIT AND HEALTHY and this outweighs any 5 minute craving . MAKE YOUR WILL POWER stronger than your excuses to eat crap. I'm so sick of hearing all these excuses. If you want something, you will make it happen. If you want to healthy, you will cut artificial sugars from your diet and there wont' be any question about it. STOP MAKING EXCUSES AS TO WHY YOU CAN'T AND START SHOWING YOURSELF WHY YOU CAN.
  • ninick
    ninick Posts: 44 Member
    Cut down the sugar completely for a few days, and the craving will go away.

    I was on a low carb diet few years ago, the extreme one which you cut out all carbs. I didn't use any sugar substitute at that time either, and after two weeks or so, I rarely crave sweets anymore. so that's what they say, if you stop eating it, you actually won't crave it anymore.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    If your eating healthy, meat and veg everyday i would bother about what mfp says about sugar, there are sugars in so many natural things and anwyay when you eat carbs like bread and rice they convert to sugar so you cant avoid them alltogether, thats not healthy, I havent read the link thing you put up but god if we took notice all of these wacky reports we would be dead of starvation.
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Wow I'm totally gonna track my sugar now!
  • RhianAlyssa
    Don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but I've read somewhere that it's best to avoid sugar until the end of the day, as when you eat it earlier on, you'll crave more for the rest of the day.

    The less you eat something, the less you'll want it, so just cut down gradually and replace artificial sugars with fruit and yoghurt :)
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    I have a terrible sweet tooth too. And i agree with all of the posters who suggested it's best to fill up on heathy vegetables and high protein foods first.

    I also agree with those who said you need to cut it off completely, get over your addiction and move on.

    And despite my agreement with them, i have a sweet tooth.

    Anyway, what's really best for me is that i don't crave so much i go out and binge, so in order to satisfy those cravings, i have 3 go to items: Sugar-free dark chocolate, a brand called Belgian is a really nice chocolate. I also like sugar free Jello instant pudding mix, chocolate or butterscotch, made with unsweetened almond milk. Finally - my every day treat is Cool Whip Free. If you're not in the US, you may still be able to find this in the freezer section (i get it in an ex-pat grocery in Singapore). I completely understand it is chemicals and air, but YUM! Much better for me than sharing a pint with my old friends Ben and Jerry!
  • 4UrPb8vo
    4UrPb8vo Posts: 7
    If there was candy i would eat it... Now i moved to grapes, raisins and other fruits. Its not the sugar that's bad its hows getting in.

    Find some fruit you like, its the perfect time of year. If you can dehydrate some of them into chips or pocket snacks and take them with you, you dont need a fancy dehydrator you can use your oven.

    Banana chips, mango chips, raisins, cherry's grapes, kiwi chips, or make them little gummy blocks.

    Sugar, good old fashioned C6-H12-O6 is not bad nor is a large amount if taken though natural foods. Dont get tripped up on the numbers, just replace the sweets with a better sweet!

    Try to avoid all artificial sweeteners like the plague there dangerous in the long-term. Besides eating anything Sugar free isn't solving the problem, its a band-aid.

    All band-aids fall off in time.