SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo! week of Aug 17



  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I like that quote Mary. That's funny.
    Well today started out good and went down hill pretty quickly. I was up doing my thing when all of the sudden I get a migraine. The only times I have gotten migraines in the last year or so is when I was pregnant. But we would have had to done something around certain times of the month for that to happen. :blushing: My migraines are almost always hormonal. I can't ever think of a time they weren't. So this is a little weird and unexpected. So today is a movie/laying around/eating comfort foods kind of day. I did eat at a different restaurant yesterday so maybe that was it? It as just a hamburger place so I don't know what good have set it off. I'm debating on drinking a soda with caffeine to see if that will help with the pain. I really don't like putting Alex in front of the TV all day but I don't feel like doing anything that makes me think.
    I'm going to go now.
    Dark day boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm late to the party today. . .slow start morning boogaloo!

    This evening I'm planning on a spin class, hopefully that will make me feel less huge. (Don't know what this low-self-esteem rut is, but I'm hoping to snap out of it soon. . .it may just be the shock of being back in the skinny big city after being in more ample-sized parts of America. . .maybe it's claustrophobia. . .:tongue: )

    Other than that, I really need to vacuum and clean the kitchen. It's getting very hairy in here from my kitties.

    Sorry for your news, Mary. . .is that a treatable thing? Or is it just a consequence of a cat getting older? My kits are getting up in years, so I'd like some info. . .

    Sorry for your head, MM. Lots of rest and water (and a migraine is just about the only time I indulge in caffeine other than vacations, anyways:wink: )

    Take care of yourselves, pebbles.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I'm venting.
    This day has sucked so far. I mean really and truly.
    First I get the migraine. Then when Alex is suppose to be sleeping upstairs I hear noises. I go up to find a wad of cat hair in his hand, he has a runny nose and he has hives all over his face.
    Then after that dust settles, I get a call from my neighbor telling me that my other neighbor, who has been in the hospital and nursing homes since January, passed away this morning.:cry: Bad things stop after three right? I feel bad for not talking to my neighbor or going to see her in a couple of months. I should have called. And you all know I am a Christian and I believe in eternal life or death after our physical death...I know she knew of God but I don't know if she went to heaven or not. I hope I see her again some day. At least Alex showed sadness when I was showing sadness. That's a good sign that he's feeling the right emotion when he should be. He usually laughs when things get blown up or someone falls down. lol
    DH promised me ice cream tonight if it will make me feel better. :smile:
    I need to pull my act together and play with Alex for a bit and make dinner. Thanks for listening.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm sorry you're having a sucky day, MM. I'm sending all the positive thoughts I can in your direction.
    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    I'm sorry your day was bad MM. I didn't have anything bad happen today but woke up in a grumpy mood and spent the first half of it that way. I don't know why? I have found I am in a terrible mood since I came home, I get downright grouchy at everyone and even more so if I am hungry. I hope you get to take your kitty home Mary, I know how much I miss mine when I'm gone from home. No beating up on yourself Vivia, I find I do that if the scale isn't moving the way I want. Hi to everyone else, I'm sorry if I missed someone, it happens. They should let us see more of what people have written because I am terrible about remembering who did what.

    I had my daughters dog today so we went for a couple of walks and I wore my HRM but I don't get any cardio because he wants to stop and woofle every little tree. But exercise is exercise and better than sitting on my butt so I will record it.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    That's weird, I could have sworn I posted earlier. I was at work, though, so I must have been distracted and hidden the window before hitting post. I'll post it tomorrow when I get back to my computer. :tongue:

    MM, I'm so sorry you had such a rotten day. :heart: And Mary, I hope your kitty feels better soon. :heart:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I didn't get the ice cream after all. *pouting* I ended up making my own chocolate dessert which probably was healthy but not as bad as ice cream. I'm glad it's bed time and I can put today behind me. Here's to a better tomorrow! :drinker:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Kitty is still at the vet. They forgot to call us last night! I'm sure she's fine. I'm going to call today and see when she can come home. We have such a busy weekend - it's a good thing she likes to be left alone. Seeing "District 9" tonight, teaching yoga (and possibly going to a class) and going to Wicked tomorrow, then a run my parent's house to water for them and to a friend's house for a get together on Sunday. whew.

    My back is STILL sore. Yesterday, I did some yoga at home to try to help it - and I think I figured out what I did to hurt it (I think I really "pulled" it in a bound pose). It really only bothers me after I've been sitting. So today is teaching yoga, bike ride, and a walk.

    Busy with fun, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Today is afternoon Bikram.

    The elimination diet is starting to get to me, in that my husband has a night off, and this would usually mean a meal out with him. It's an interesting realization that food is still pretty much the hub of my social life. I am also going to a pot luck lunch tomorrow, and have to make lots of food to take that I can eat. (I'm thinking hummus with veg and rice chips. . .and maybe something else). I keep thinking "OOH, I can eat that!" about a random thing, running the ingredients list in my head and realizing "nope. can't."I'm in the first phase of re-introduction, which is coffee. I tried to drink some yesterday (black without cream as dairy gets re-introduced dead last) and didn't like the taste of it without the milk at all, but didn't seem to have any weird after effects from it. I will probably try again today, but splurge for an espresso with some honey (way better than it sounds). I pretty much quit caffeine because I was trying to cut my dairy back.:ohwell:

    So: hydration, bikram, chicken, rice and potatoes. My butcher asked me yesterday "what's with all the chicken?" (usually there's a lot more variety in my purchases. . .)

    Take care.:flowerforyou:

    Hope kitty gets to come home, Mary.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Here was my open window from yesterday (woops):
    I hope your kitty feels better, Mary. And your head, MM.

    I did go for a run last night, and got my pushups in. I'm starting week 4 over since I only got one day in last week.
    32 (min 32)

    Tonight we are going to see Plan 9 from Outer Space, with live simulcast commentary from Rifftrax (the guys who used to do Mystery Science Theater 3000, if you ever watched that show - they watched bad movies and made fun of them). They are doing these showings in theatres all over the country tonight, so it should be fun. I just took a long walk (hey, I came in to work really early this morning), and that will likely be it in terms of exercise for the day. Next week I will get back on track in terms of cardio.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    So, now that I posted my post from yesterday :embarassed: , I'll try to remember to actually hit 'post' for today!

    Plan 9 was a blast - it is absolutely mind-boggling just how bad that movie is, and the commentary was really funny. Plus they showed a short from the 1950s called 'Flying Stewardess' which was just hilariously awful, and some other fun stuff.

    Tonight is another shot, so I don't know if I'll get my pushups in or not if my arm is sore. I should probably just tough it out. I have a walk planned, but that's about it. And finding something good for lunch - last weekend was such a mess that I didn't get a chance to stock up on groceries, so I've had to eat out the past couple days. I've been doing OK, but there really aren't a lot of good vegetarian options around my office and I've pretty much exhausted them. I guess I'll go back to Panera and get something different.

    Food is definitely a social hub. Everybody needs to eat, and you're not generally expected to be doing anything else productive while eating, so I think it naturally becomes a good time to relax, catch up and socialize. I mean, you're going to eat anyway, so you might as well make it social, right? Obviously, the problem is that it's easy to make it more about the eating (and 'special occasion' eating) than about the socializing. And if you can't relax or socialize without eating, that's a problem, too. So I'm not sure what the solution is. I think, for me, I need to get out of the 'special occasion', 'treat' or 'reward' mode with eating. It may be absolutely true that I 'deserve' a 'treat' after getting my shot tonight... but maybe it doesn't need to be ice cream. It is hard to really think of something else that would be a 'treat', though!

    OK, I'm seriously rambling. TGIF boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I wished I had known what Rifftrax was! I would have gone! Some friends of mine went. They used to have MST parties all the time and we had to bring food that had to do with the movie. Sigh. I miss those days.
    I am still recovering from yesterday. I don't think I will get my work out in today. I went shopping and I really need to get some cleaning done. The kitchen floor is sticky for some reason. It won't be much exercise but it is something.
    V, I can relate to what you are saying about the diet. It was like that at first with Alex. I'd think I could make something he could eat but then find out he couldn't. Very frustrating. I am thinking I need to get him off sugar completely including fruits etc, (for numerous reasons) but that's super hard to do...for anyone. I still need to see if I can find some recipes for you.
    Mary I hope your kitty is doing okay.
    I need to get lunch in the oven. Have a good Friday!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Rewards are difficult - those that don't cost that much money, that is. One of mine is legs up the wall pose - it's super relaxing. You basically make a "L" shape with your butt at the wall, legs straight up and rest back - arms either at the sides or in a goal post position.

    I'm going to get my kitty now and say goodbye to my money. Hope she has a good weekend and can stay at home.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Got kitty - completely ruined back. I brought her home and put her in our back room. She was supposed to have her bandage off after 30 min. I went back there and she was under the our hide-a-bed couch. I was worried she was stuck, so decided to lift the couch and put a dumbbell under it - bad idea - lifting couch with curved back. I got her out, but now, I can barely move - well barely sit down/stand up. As long as I'm lying down or walking, I'm ok. Yoga is going to suck tomorrow.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Got kitty - completely ruined back. I brought her home and put her in our back room. She was supposed to have her bandage off after 30 min. I went back there and she was under the our hide-a-bed couch. I was worried she was stuck, so decided to lift the couch and put a dumbbell under it - bad idea - lifting couch with curved back. I got her out, but now, I can barely move - well barely sit down/stand up. As long as I'm lying down or walking, I'm ok. Yoga is going to suck tomorrow.

    Ouch. . .that sucks. Hope it loosens up before tomorrow for you.

    P.S. Love the new quote!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Back is slightly better, but it's still going to be a hard three hours. Though the couple hours sitting tonight might be just as difficult. I got some Icy/Hot pads, so I'm hoping that will get me through.

    I'm hoping this is my last teaching gig for a week at least. I need to kick back and have someone tell me what to do.

    I wish kitty would eat more than a few bites. She would not like a feeding tube. She eats too much, then she eats too little. Isn't that the story of this website?

    Wicked tonight, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Mary, I'm so sorry to hear about your back. I hope yoga might help today. :ohwell:

    We're about to leave to go to swim class. I was wanting to get an hour work out in three times this week. It looks like today it might be while pulling plants out of the front yard that I killed. I do not have a green thumb. I wish I did.

    I am finally recovering from my migraine, so I hope to get more done today. I'd better get ready to go. Have a good day everyone!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi all:

    The goal for the day is simple (and complicated): stick to the elimination diet at the party. I'm going well stocked with food I love that is allowed, even resorting to packing a bag of olive oil potato chips (I love those. . .) so I won't be tempted to blow my week of deprivation.

    If time permits, I would also like to go to the gym and do a couch to 5K on the treadmill (these always seem short, and burn through calories).

    Take care.:flowerforyou:

    Hope both your back and your kitty even out a bit, Mary.:heart:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Well, I managed the main goal (even resisting wine and cookies from Italy!), but a migraine has been knocking on my door since 4 am, so I think I'm going to medicate and lie down. I took some medicine this am for it, but it's back and getting worse.

    I'm blaming the crazy sinus weather. Maybe we'll have more storms and I'll get some relief.:wink:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Good morning!
    How's your head V?
    Mary, how's the kitty?
    CP, how are you? :wink:
    A miracle happened this morning. I have been gaining weight right? Well, I decided to try on my jeans even though I knew it was going to be discouraging. They actually fit! I was not expecting that at all! They fit last time but I hadn't worn them in a couple of weeks so I didn't think they would fit now. I'm pretty sure God was helping me out so I won't be late for church this morning. :laugh:
    We are having church at a large house this morning (we don't have our own building yet. We usually meet at the convention center but it was booked for something else today). Afterwards there's a potluck lunch (Calvary Chapels are occasionally called Calorie Chapels because we love our food), and then swimming after that.
    After all that it's time to come crash at home and goof off.
    DH cleaned up the entire house in 30 minutes last night :noway: I need that kind of motivation. Or maybe he should just do that more often so I won't have to worry about it. He was trying to help me because I was feeling blue, but it made me feel bad that I can't just do that everyday. Oh well, the house is cleaner! I'll enjoy it while it lasts! :happy:
    Have a great day!