The Final Meltdown 8.17.09

msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Good Morning all! and a Happy Monday, too!

I hope everyone is having a good week. I am busy trying to get ready to return to work at the high school tomorrow - and a little worried, as arthritis is kicking my behind this week. I am relying on prayer to get me through.

The good new is that I finally had my first official weigh in since vacation, and my ticker has moved in the proper direction! Woo hoo!

Got to go get breakfast - later!


  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Congrats Mary

    My scale says I dropped 3LBS even tho I am on TOM.

    I had the WORST WEEKEND, both my dogs have been missing since Saturday afternoon and it is breaking my heart. I have barley eaten and sleep comes and goes. I will put up missing posters after works today if I do not lose my mind first:cry:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning!! :flowerforyou:

    Mary, sorry you are in pain, will also pray He gives you some relief

    Smadag.......that sucks:cry: will put in a good word for you too that they find their way home to you

    Today is another Monday for me......I really need to stay on track on my weekends..of course
    last week was hellacious. (sp?) I ate my pain/anxiety/depression.

    Here's to a good week for all of us

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