Effect on depression with exercise



  • amyowens08
    amyowens08 Posts: 107 Member
    Exercise definitely does help with my depression once i get into a routine with it. HOWEVER, sometimes i do suffer from a "crash" after the endorphins wear off after a workout. It's not all of the time that this happens....but I have my days where it does happen and it SUCKS. I definitely think it does help over-all with dealing with my depression...even my husband notices when im working out regularly that my mood changes. I think, for me, the magic combo is my meds and a regular exercise routine.
  • BeanQueen3000
    When assessing my med situation a few months ago, my psych told me that she wasn't going to move things around or change the dosage I'm on until I tried something-- anything else. She's never steered me wrong in the past, and adding routine exercise in has been one of the best things i've ever done for myself. Anger and anxiety are still a part of my life, but exercise and a bit more mindfulness about my diet have given me new tools to cope (instead of compulsive shopping/eating, etc.)
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I think it has helped me. I have been suffering from situational depression and anxiety for 3 years (its because of my mom's death and grandmother's death, and then having to move and school and marriage and child and basically never adjusted) and i have noticed that if i don't exercise everyday, my depression kicks in royally to where my husband and i get into fights because of thoughts. Everyone is different, for some it helps, others it doesn't. To each their own :)