Running vs. Jogging



  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    Running is just like jogging. But faster.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i suppose someone like usain bolt could manage a 15 mph distance for awhile but how many of us are usain bolt? :laugh:
  • ChristyU74
    ChristyU74 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm so slow, I almost don't consider it either running or jogging. I've said for years that I "shuffle." So when Party Rock Anthem came out, I loved it! "Everyday I'm shuffling..."
  • GaryRussell123456
    GaryRussell123456 Posts: 87 Member
    Awhile back when I told my husband I was going for a run, he said that what I did was jog, not run. I did feel offended by that, lol. It felt like he was downgrading it, as if it didn't take as much effort. I think that's what makes people angry. No, I'm not an olympic sprinter and I'm not going to win any timed pace is only 8.5-9 mph in the grass or 7.5-8 on flat ground but I'm running damnit!
    Only 8.5-9 mph. Since when was that slow? 9 mph will see you complete a 5K in less than 21 minutes.
  • cyndimcd
    cyndimcd Posts: 112 Member
    Running philosopher George Sheehan said that the difference between a runner and a jogger is a signature on a race application. If there is a finish line of some sort, even your own personal goal, I say you are a runner.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Joggers bounce up and down at stop lights. Runners just stand there, looking pissed.

  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Running philosopher George Sheehan said that the difference between a runner and a jogger is a signature on a race application. If there is a finish line of some sort, even your own personal goal, I say you are a runner.

    ^^This! If you are out on the road, trail or treadmill putting in the roadwork, you are a runner.
  • LanderRose81
    LanderRose81 Posts: 237 Member
    Running philosopher George Sheehan said that the difference between a runner and a jogger is a signature on a race application. If there is a finish line of some sort, even your own personal goal, I say you are a runner.

    Love this!!! :drinker: Cheers!
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I am more of a wogger then a jogger.

    Some friends on here as well as myself use this term!
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    I saw it posted somewhere, and I apologize I can't quote or give credit but the gist of it, was that jogging is not real, it's a myth, anything faster than a walking pace is running.

    Just scrolled down and saw that Geaorge Sheehan quote and I like that one too!
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Awhile back when I told my husband I was going for a run, he said that what I did was jog, not run. I did feel offended by that, lol. It felt like he was downgrading it, as if it didn't take as much effort. I think that's what makes people angry. No, I'm not an olympic sprinter and I'm not going to win any timed pace is only 8.5-9 mph in the grass or 7.5-8 on flat ground but I'm running damnit!

    WHAT?? 9 Miles an hour is not a JOG! LOL Trust me you are a runner!
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    I am more of a wogger then a jogger.

    this is me...... I jog slower than some people can walk...but I am out there with two feet off the ground for at least a micro second and DARN proud of my self...
    :love: :love: :love:
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    I am more of a wogger then a jogger.


    I was thinking that I'm a jigglogger, since I still have too much jiggle in my jog.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Running philosopher George Sheehan said that the difference between a runner and a jogger is a signature on a race application. If there is a finish line of some sort, even your own personal goal, I say you are a runner.

    Good way to look at it!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    they are the same. i think the difference is hyped up by running snobs who want to differentiate themselves as being more authentic than others. one person's run is another person's jog.

    This. Exactly.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member

    They have running and jogging as seperate things.. I figured Id post it for a laugh. :)

    no human being can run at 15 mph for long distances, marathon world record is 2 hours 3 minutes which is about 13 mph and we are talking here about elite athlete runners, she clearly does not know what she is talking about.

    Besides which 15mph is what the four minute mile was run at - I am damn sure I could NOT run the four minute mile :laugh:

    The winner of the Ann Arbor marathon averaged 6 minute miles. When I saw that, I felt woefully inadequate LOL since I can't run that fast for ANY distance.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I am more of a wogger then a jogger.

    this is me...... I jog slower than some people can walk...but I am out there with two feet off the ground for at least a micro second and DARN proud of my self...
    :love: :love: :love:

    ditto! My fastest pace that I can sustain for any length of time is only a 12 minute mile (5 mph). And I about beat my husband over the head the day he tried to tell me I was only 'jogging'.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm a "dogger", that is, I try to keep a pace that keeps the dogs at a run.
  • cwelch2677
    cwelch2677 Posts: 69 Member
    I believe it's called "yogging"

    For and indeterminate amount of time, ha ha :)
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    Joggers bounce up and down at stop lights. Runners just stand there, looking pissed.

    HA HA! This cracked me up. And sometimes I just run against the light, give my best "sorry!" face to the pissed off drivers and hope i don't get RUN over :tongue:

    Honestly though, this is one of my favorite quotes: “If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run.” ― John Bingham