***FITBYFALL*** weigh in 08-17-09



  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    Hey guys -
    No loss for me this week! Haven't walked as much this week, super busy, hubby's bday, baby's bday last week, i am getting ready to go out of town for a couple of months, lots to do. Guess the walking really is helping me lose weight. I have been super tired too, baby is not sleeping well at night = me not sleeping well either! Anyways, i have been staying within my calories, but guess i really need that exercise. Will get back to walking probably by friday. Taking a redeye flight tonight, so i doubt i will be up for walking tomorrow! Hope the baby sleeps on the plane.

    Way to go megan! What have you been doing to lose that 2 pounds?

    Everyone have a great week, hopefully i will be back on the computer by this weekend!
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    thanks Pam!!! :flowerforyou: u too!!!

    tamara- i like healthier by the holidays too!! choices......ahhhh......lolol - weelllll, i'm too indecisive to choose so we should all vote. lol:laugh: have a goood vacay:flowerforyou:

    i hope we can find them..... it's easy to get lost on these things...:brokenheart:

    queenie- sorry to hear not sleeping well. hope baby gets back into sleeping soon!!!:flowerforyou: have a safe trip!! keep up ur calorie watching for sure
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member

    Is everyone getting out and getting moving????? It's not just about food.....gotta
    get the blood circulating and the lungs gasping! :tongue:

    Since this thread started with a goal of August 31st, let's PUMP IT UP ~ 11 days left!!
    See how close you can get to your original goal!!!

    :love: I LOVE MY MFP FAMILY:love:

    Have a happy healthy day
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    heya!!! :flowerforyou:

    i think my goal for august was 173.... definately 175 for sure and i'm 1.6 away from that!!! woot!!! :drinker: hopefully no gains and no TOM bloat for next weigh in LOL! :grumble:

    slowly but surely seems to be my weight loss motto....lol :laugh:

    keep it up group! :heart: you guys are fantastic

    P.S. Pam, since u seem to be keeping us going here, i think u should name the next group to NYE :love:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    heya!!! :flowerforyou:

    i think my goal for august was 173.... definately 175 for sure and i'm 1.6 away from that!!! woot!!! :drinker: hopefully no gains and no TOM bloat for next weigh in LOL! :grumble:

    slowly but surely seems to be my weight loss motto....lol :laugh:

    keep it up group! :heart: you guys are fantastic

    P.S. Pam, since u seem to be keeping us going here, i think u should name the next group to NYE :love:

    ClassiC ~ you go girl!! slow and steady wins the race!! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    we're a group....I think the group should decide on our next thread name!! but thanks!! :love:
  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    My goals aren't as set as some , but here they go.
    Aug . 31st:168lbs.(hope I hit that goal, being on vacay)
    Sept. 6th :166
    Sept. 13TH: 164
    We'll see how things move along once the kids are back to school the 2nd of Sept. MAYBE I 'LL ADJUST. i wanted to be 165 by the end of this month, but that Probably ain't happening.!Going to to take the kids for a quick dip, at the local lake, Then it's off to work. Take care! Tamara:):flowerforyou:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!:flowerforyou:

    Tamara - at least you have goals!! You'll find once the kids get back to school the routine
    will be more set.

    A great night at work! Now going to enjoy my 3 days off. Today is the only day DH and I have
    off together, so need to decide what we're gonna do til the kids get out of school :bigsmile:

    Hang in there over the weekend.........THE SCALE is Monday!! :grumble:

    Have a happy healthy moving kinda day!
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member

    well TOM is here and he brought cravings & icky bloating feelings!!! :brokenheart: i'm going to push myself to do the last run for my C25K tonight.... :noway: LOL!!

    i'm going to try to not cheat this weekend tho!! :drinker: havent been drinking my usual amounts of water so dont think thats helping.... lol.... not looking forward to weigh in- i gotta say:grumble: probably a TOM gain coming :cry:

    well keep it positive and on the right track!!
    "It is not a disaster if you fail to achieve your highest ideals,
    but it is a disaster if you have no high ideals for which you are
    striving. Not failure, but lower aim is sin."

    happy friday!!!
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    evening folksies!! :flowerforyou:

    joke for the day-
    "A man was in bad shape. He constantly gasped for breath and his eyes bulged. The
    doctors didn't give him long to live. He decided to live it up. Withdrawing all of his
    money from the bank, he went on a shopping spree. His last stop was at the most
    expensive haberdashery in the city. He pointed out a dozen silk shirts. He wore a size
    The clerk said, "Your neck looks bigger than fourteen. You need a sixteen."
    The man said, "I know my size. I want them in a fourteen."
    The clerk said, "I'll get them for you, but I want to warn you...if you wear a fourteen
    you'll gasp all day and your eyes will bulge."

    so..........................now that i've buttered you up.... confession time: it's not even fully the weekend yet and i've had a chocolate cookie & 2 low fat muffins!! paying for it with some serious sluggishness and TOM cramps....my body is like- told ya so!! lol.... i entered in all my foods and clicked the finished logging button on my home page and it told me that if every day were like today i'd weigh 185.6lbs in 5 weeks ............so thats gaining back everything i lost! :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: not happening..... definately working out sat and sun and eating completely clean....... so sorry group:brokenheart: .....i'm going to be better!!!! i'm not getting off the wagon!!!!

    think i'm comfort eating..... had alot on my mind today. BF is talking wedding.... no ring yet :huh: lol......and i'm thinking of going back to school to finish my business degree next sept (i did my assoc. degree 2 yrs ago and doing a 1 yr distance diploma in funds now) .....i'm sure i'm more of a mature student at this point:ohwell: ......not really looking forward to that except being closer to my BF ......not good with drastic change and all of this is getting to me lol.... but suck it up & no more overeating!!!! :drinker:

    so love u all & pls forgive me :heart:
  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    Don't be too hard on Yourself, ClassiC, Stress does effect our efforts to eat healthier and exercise, but in the end, you have to find a middle ground with both that you can live with doing the rest of your life. So don't fret, Keep trying, we won't give up on you. It's great that you are continuing to go to school, and better yourself, no matter what your age, though if that is your pic under your name, you look fairly young.I'm suffering the side effects of that TOM, ALSO, so I sympathize with you on that front, too.I have been giving in to the sweet, and salty cravings.I gain like 5 lbs of water weight.I ate cookies and some sour gummies yesterday,as well some pepperoni , cheese and crackers. Today will be better day!I will be leaving tomorrow morning to go to a beach in Maine , (about a 4 hr drive from where I live in Western MA.) I will be back late Wednesday, so , Don't think I've given up,as I won't be on the computer for about 4 days.I will hopefully be over that TOM, and on my way again to a slimmer, healthier, me.Anyone heard from Mrsprasak, I can't seem to find her. Hope she 's o.k. Here's a quote I got through belief.net.:
    Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience.- Victoria Holt.

    So Don't live life full of regret. Keep moving forward toward your goals, if you slip, as you probably will,learn from it, and move on.Thanks ,fiftyandfit, Yes , I'm sure it will be easier once the kids are back to school. I'll keep trying, and I will reach my goal.I would love to be about 155 before Thanksgiving, But as the fable The tortoise and the Hare" Teaches us, Slow and Steady wins the race., So if I don't quite, get there, I 'll still continue on this, journey, Knowing I have you all, to rely on to catch me if If I fall. Corny, I KNOW, but true, I Look forward to seeing you all next week. Don't lose sight of your goals!Tamara
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Tam and ClassiC.......hang in there kids! With all of the outside stressors, the only thing we are in
    control of is ourselves!!!

    Have a happy healthy day!

  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    thanks for the great words & encouragement guys!!!:flowerforyou:

    yep, TOM is crazy for all that comes with it!!! :grumble:

    tamara- have fun on ur trip! love the quote!! dont give in too much each day :flowerforyou:

    i worked out today and been eating good today so trying to get bak on the wagon:drinker: lol

    happy weekend!:smooched:
  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    Hey guys-
    Just checking in, out of town, trying to get everything organized. Eating well, if anything not enough calories, i have to work on that! Something i never thought i would say. Haven't walked since wed, going to head out today. Also haven't been able to log because i don't have the computer set up yet, working on it though.
    Haven't been able to weigh myself since i don't have a scale here and nobody else seems to have one. Guess i might test one out in one of the stores, we shall see.
    Everyone keep up the good work and have a great week.
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    are we lost again??? :brokenheart:

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