SAHM 8/17-8/23



  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Kurneckc - Thank you. As angl said, it is nice when someone else tells us we're doing the right thing. My mil was SO against me being a sahm because at the time our 1st child was born, hubby was in & out of work (during the time when the tech market bottomed out, he's in IT). But even then it wasn't feasible for me to work, between child care & he could make more on a short-term contract job than I could full-time somewhere. I'm an administrative assistant. I now work part-time as the admin. assistant at our church where I can bring the kids w/ me when they're not in school. It has been a sacrifice, but when I see what the children of my "working" friends go through, I am SO glad I have been a sahm.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    angl, I had sushi too, for dinner last night. I must have done better on my eating somehow because I weighed in this morning out of curiosity & was down 0.4 lbs from yesterday morning. I've been eating higher sodium content foods lately, so I think some of this has been water weight. I didn't use any soy sauce last night. Of course, the rolls were much smaller than what we usually get.

    Hubby and I went out on a "date night" for dinner last night. We decided to go back to this sushi restaurant that's been in the area for at least 10 years. Mistake. It was good, but it wasn't nearly as good as where we usually go. Eez is more expensive than where we went last night, but not by much, and you get twice as much food. We left last night still hungry. Ended up running through Wendy's drive thru to get a double stack burger. Luckily, I drank lots of water at dinner and when I got home. The wasabi was actually better where we were last night, but boy did I need the water!! :laugh: I also got some exercise in after dinner by vacuuming the house. My older dog is a Great Pyrenees, so I have to vacuum often.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    I am not a member of this group, but when I realized what SAHM meant I had to come by and tell you that you guys ROCK! You are doing the right thing! What you are doing is not easy, but it's just so worthwhile, so very important to your kids! God bless you one and all.

    I'm a single mother, so my circumstances are different from yours - but I can tell you that being with my daughter was important enough for me that I left a very good paying job that had me working from 7am until 7pm every night because being away from my baby was destroying me. I lost about 70 percent of my income when I began driving a school bus so I could be with her but I did not care. It was worth it.

    I'm back to work now in the field in which I was trained. She's 13 now, and gets on the school bus at my work, and gets off here in the afternoon. I would still be driving that school bus if I did not have the ability to raise my daughter on my own.

    Ack, I got off topic. What I meant to say is that you are investing your time and your energy in the exact place it should be. You are forming our next generation, and I salute you!!!

    Kurneckc---Hello! You are welcome here anytime you like! You are a mom just like us so please feel free to come chat with us and get support and motivation from these wonderful ladies!
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Well ladies I did the first day of the 30 day shred and I am feeling it today because I haven't worked some of those muscle groups in quite a while :bigsmile: The soreness is a good feeling, reminds me that I actually did something.

    My little guys were only home for last night cuz Grandma and Grandpa picked them up this morning on their way home to Chincoteague Island Virginia to take them with them so they could go to the beach for a couple of days. They are bringing them home Sat or Sun morning. We are having a big end of the summer/Jackson's Bday party on Sunday and this way I can run errands and get ready for the party without dragging them everywhere with me :smile:

    My youngest begs to go to the beach all the time so he is really happy.

    I have to take the 12yo out to get a new backpack for school too and I might take him to the movies tomorrow (we don't get a lot of time alone together).

    Hopefully I will get to run tonight when it isn't so hot and humid. That is if my legs will work.
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Well I'm here for the moment..I've been on an emtional rollercoaster for the last 3 months..My oldest son is still in the neckbrace from his accident..then we found out hes allergic to everything under the son..then school started last bout bein a nervous wreck his neck his starting to heal n I'm so scared someone at school is goin to push him down or something n hurt him again..but the kids are really good about watching out for josh n of course I went on the first day of school n talked to his whole class n explained to them how bad it would be if he got hurt again..Also we found out that josh has a learnin issue on top of his ADD..but we are handling all the best I can..

    also over the summer I went through a big thing with me..the drs thought I had cervical cancer and had a surgery they burnt it all out but now I'm having problems again..bad ones..i go back next month for another pap I need a hysdorectomy* but my dr says I'm to young I'm 32 n cant have nmore just pull the crap out already I'm tired of bein moody n sick from it all the time..

    Then next month it will be a year that my dad has been gone..I've been having a really hard time with as well as my kids..It never does get easier like they say..

    I was down to 190 pounds n then I got up to 235 pounds cuz of all that has been goin i'm back down to 220 pounds still have along way to go before I reach my goal..I'm wanting to start working out on my gazzale but I just look at it..I have been walking the kids to school in the morning but thats only 6 blks total..not much..sorry to have dumped all this all on you but this place has always been like a place of therapy for me..thanks dana:flowerforyou:
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Well I'm here for the moment..I've been on an emtional rollercoaster for the last 3 months..My oldest son is still in the neckbrace from his accident..then we found out hes allergic to everything under the son..then school started last bout bein a nervous wreck his neck his starting to heal n I'm so scared someone at school is goin to push him down or something n hurt him again..but the kids are really good about watching out for josh n of course I went on the first day of school n talked to his whole class n explained to them how bad it would be if he got hurt again..Also we found out that josh has a learnin issue on top of his ADD..but we are handling all the best I can..

    also over the summer I went through a big thing with me..the drs thought I had cervical cancer and had a surgery they burnt it all out but now I'm having problems again..bad ones..i go back next month for another pap I need a hysdorectomy* but my dr says I'm to young I'm 32 n cant have nmore just pull the crap out already I'm tired of bein moody n sick from it all the time..

    Then next month it will be a year that my dad has been gone..I've been having a really hard time with as well as my kids..It never does get easier like they say..

    I was down to 190 pounds n then I got up to 235 pounds cuz of all that has been goin i'm back down to 220 pounds still have along way to go before I reach my goal..I'm wanting to start working out on my gazzale but I just look at it..I have been walking the kids to school in the morning but thats only 6 blks total..not much..sorry to have dumped all this all on you but this place has always been like a place of therapy for me..thanks dana:flowerforyou:

    No problem!! You can dump all you want and we are here for you:heart: That is what makes this place so great. Hang in there......things will look up :happy: You are doing all things that are possible and good for your family.
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    I managed another 2 miles this evening and ran more than walked...I actually did one of the week 3 C25K sessions and the knee held up :happy: I made sure I stretched afterwards and then iced it for 20 min. I hope that if I keep taking care of it like this then the tendonitis won't come back.

    I want some chocolate so bad! I had a ground turkey breast taco for dinner....the older 2 kids and hubby ate it too!

    Going to try and do another session of the 30 day shred tomorrow and maybe some xtra lifting but man am I tired!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Dana - I'm glad to hear from you again. You've been in my prayers. I hope everything works out for you soon. Don't feel bad about dumping things on us. That's what we're here for! :flowerforyou:

    Lettuce - Good job on the running! :flowerforyou: How was the taco? That sounds good.

    I did decently on food today, and I did well on exercise because we went to the pool this afternoon. I haven't gotten all my water in for the day yet. Don't know if I will. I have 3 more to go, and at almost 11 pm, I don't see drinking that much.

    Have a great night everyone!
  • angl421
    angl421 Posts: 47
    dana - i totally sympathize with you. i go crazy when one of my kids has a 24 hour stomach virus so i totally get worring about your son at school and giving up control over his environment for a good portion of the day. if only we could raise them in bubbles. for many many reasons.

    i lost my mother in law when i was 27. i had known her since i was 15. she was not only a mother to me but also my example of who i wanted to be when i grew up. there did come a time when i would smile when i thought of her instead of cry. allow yourself to greive. a year is not that long. you will smile at the memory of him one day. be as generous with yourself as you would with another who lost a loved one. lock yourself in your room for 15 minutes and cry instead of eating - then go remind your children of a great menory of their grandpa. only time heals this particular wound.

    to be dealing with all this and going through your own medical problems is hard. get yourself healthy so you can go back to caring for the people relying on you. i know from personal experience how hard it is to take care of a family emotionally and physically when you don't feel well and really need to be laying in bed. we are here for you.
  • angl421
    angl421 Posts: 47
    lettuce - i looked up the 30 day shred online.

    no wonder you are sore it looks killer. if you continue you will definitely see results. i heard you can see results in your arms within 2-3 weeks from doing this type of weight lifting.

    i need more gentle and stick to yoga. took an hour class this morning. always feel great after.
    i don't know why that great feeling dosn't motivate me to do it more consistently.

    amy- when i put the sushi into the food dairy it said each peice is like 25 cal. i could easily eat 24 peices. i will say i was full the rest of the day and only had one of my planed to fruit for dinner. so i stayed within my calories.

    i am not ready to say sushi is not alllowed though. i think it is healthy the nori has alot of calcium and other nutrients and what could be bad with all the veggies and a little fish (i only like salmon). i do wish i could find a place that made the sushi with brown rice - then there would be no guilt at all.

    when i lost weight last time we went out for sushi all the time it was one of my go to places so i wouldn't "cheat on my diet". even with the best of intentions take me out for italian and i can't resist rosa (tomato/cream) sauce dishes.

    i think i am 10 hours ahead of everyone so i will check back in early afternoon.
    i am taking the kids on an afternoon evening trip today (season finale) b4 school starts.

    wishing everyone a good day.
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Amy--the tacos were good, hubby didn't overcook the turkey so it was still moist. He brought me scrambled eggs this morning for breakfast (what a nice guy).

    I haven't been to the pool in a while cuz I usually take the 2 little ones and they have been here so sporadically for the past week.

    Angl- the 30 day shred is getting me more in the butt and legs from all the squats and the lunges....ouch! Hurts to go up and down the stairs but running yesterday loosened me up some. I have trouble understanding why you would do this everyday anyway because you need to give your muscles a day to repair themselves so I am going to do it every other day and run on the opposite days (sounds good anyway :laugh: ).

    I have never done Yoga but would like to try it. I am NOT flexible whatsoever, never have been :sad: but would like to try it anyway....seems relaxing. All I can think is that if I try it at home I will be constantly interrupted by "MOM........"

    Anyway, everyone have a good day and hang in there! WE CAN DO IT!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I don't have much time today. We're getting kiddos ready for Open House at their school this evening. They're excited to meet their new teachers & see who is in their class this year. I'll check in later!
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Hello everyone.

    I went out and cut the grass in our backyard this morning and it was sooo hot out there I felt like I was sweating buckets :laugh:
    We have a pretty good size back yard that is on a hill so I think I burned som good calories.

    Having a turkey sandwhich for lunch that hubby made...yummy

    Have a good day!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi all! we're back in town! thanks lettuce for setting this up. and you all have had lots to chat about--it's fun reading the ongoing conversation. :happy:

    welcome angl! great group of women who totally get our challenges--parenting, fitness and otherwise. :flowerforyou:

    trip was WONDERFUL! loved every minute. able to exercise and ate pretty bad but still lost wt (probably b/c after 2 scoops of b&J's ice cream at 3pm i then didn't eat the rest of the day :tongue: ). grateful for that.

    well, it's back to reality. chk you later :flowerforyou:
  • angl421
    angl421 Posts: 47
    good afternoon ladies.

    busy weekend (always is).

    food - not bad calorie wise but poor choices in terms of health. one of the many things i am hoping to improve.

    every saturday afternoon hubby and i take the dogs on a 6k walk. so saturdays always have built in cardio.

    sunday morning the house gets washed top to bottom. my boys know nothing happens till 1pm on sundays. i am going to try to exercise formally after i serve dinner tonight but i am usually tired at the end of the day.

    how was everyone's weekend?
  • Sherry79
    Sherry79 Posts: 74
    I would love to join your group if that's okay. I'm new to MFP so here's a little bit about me. . .My name is Sherry. I'm 30 yrs old, married for 6 yrs to my wonderful husband, we have a 2 yr old daughter and live in TN. I just started being a SAHM in July due to cutbacks at work and I am loving it! I reached my goal weight with Weight Watchers about 5 yrs ago and maintained it until I got pregnant. . .then I gained it all plus a whole lot more back. I started back on my journey doing WW from home in Feb. and did really good until about May and then I hit a stumbling block and have gained back some of what I had lost then. But I am determined this time to stick with it and if I slip up I will not give up!! So anyways, if you all will have me in your group I could really use the support and motivation and I will give the same in return :smile:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    :flowerforyou: welcome sherry! it's an open group with diff people dropping in.
    so chime in anytime--the ladies here are very supportive!

    tomorrow is first day of school and my girls (9, 5) are so excited!

    off to tuck little one in--later
  • angl421
    angl421 Posts: 47
    good morning ladies

    welcome sherry. i am also new to this group and mfp. i am finding it very helpful in keeping me on track. good luck

    i did not go for a walk sun night - didn't finish with chores til 10pm.

    woke up monday morn brushed my teeth and left for a half hour walk no one even noticed i was gone.
    mornings really do work better for me.

    is anyone finding they are famished after exercise in the am?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    angl--good for you for getting that walk in this am!
    i eat 3/4Tbl of skippy creamy natural pnut butter + 6oz of water before i go for a walk with the dog in am. it sustains me for that and my home cardio i do when we get back.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    amy or lettuce b--would one of you be willing to take over starting up this thread each week?

    i need to redirect my attn in the mornings to just logging--so we can be on time to school this year.

    thank you! :flowerforyou: