Calories are just calories - even as alcohol?

I know calories in/out = weight loss. If I'm aiming for 1200 cals a day, and want to have a couple of glasses of wine a few nights a week - which is 340cals for 2 glasses - and can fit it in without wanting to binge/overeat/insert everything else negative you hear about alcohol and weightloss here, is it really a bad thing?

On the days I allow for wine, I do ok on all my protein/fat/carbs. I know I *could* choose healthier calories, but if all my basics are being met, in YOUR opinion, should I give up my wine?


  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I know calories in/out = weight loss. If I'm aiming for 1200 cals a day, and want to have a couple of glasses of wine a few nights a week - which is 340cals for 2 glasses - and can fit it in without wanting to binge/overeat/insert everything else negative you hear about alcohol and weightloss here, is it really a bad thing?

    On the days I allow for wine, I do ok on all my protein/fat/carbs. I know I *could* choose healthier calories, but if all my basics are being met, in YOUR opinion, should I give up my wine?

    I think it's ok if you track it accurately. Measure your ounces the first few times. A standard glass size is pretty small, in relation to most wine glasses.

    Most authorities say one small glass of red wine a day can prevent some diseases in a woman, if she has no alcohol issues.
  • PFJules
    PFJules Posts: 26 Member
    I decided at the start of this that it had to be about the long term and for me that's only going to work if I still get to drink wine on weekends, eat take out one night a week and have a bit of cake on birthdays. What I try to do is eat a decent balanced diet and any less healthy options have to be earned by exercise. It's working for me so far!
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    On the days I allow for wine, I do ok on all my protein/fat/carbs. I know I *could* choose healthier calories, but if all my basics are being met, in YOUR opinion, should I give up my wine?

    No, do whatever makes you happy. I still drink rarely, but when I do I don't use a mixer like coke or pepsi.

    You're trying to lose weight and change your lifestyle not become a nun.

    I know plenty of people that live much worse lifestyles that intake vast amounts of alcohol daily, and supplement that with a steady diet of cigarettes and weed and coffee and eat only 1 small meal a day of meat and potato and peas or something similar and have done that for years.

    You could be doing much worse.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    hey, if you live in the uk you can get diet wine, I had some from asda a few weeks ago, it says low cal wine on the bottle and was realyl nice rose too. it only had 57 cals per glass or something like that.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    i still have a drink and I have lost 36lbs to date ... some last year before MFP ....

    Im in this for the long term and enjoy a few drinks ... it does work as long as you count the drinks as cals in :)
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    I know calories in/out = weight loss. If I'm aiming for 1200 cals a day, and want to have a couple of glasses of wine a few nights a week - which is 340cals for 2 glasses - and can fit it in without wanting to binge/overeat/insert everything else negative you hear about alcohol and weightloss here, is it really a bad thing?

    On the days I allow for wine, I do ok on all my protein/fat/carbs. I know I *could* choose healthier calories, but if all my basics are being met, in YOUR opinion, should I give up my wine?

    -alcohol could slow your metabolism down by 70%
    -calories in/calories out =/= necessarily mean weight loss. 300 calories of french fries vs. 300 calories of a chicken salad are broken down in two different ways.
    -you dont HAVE to give up wine, but just be smart about it!!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I know calories in/out = weight loss. If I'm aiming for 1200 cals a day, and want to have a couple of glasses of wine a few nights a week - which is 340cals for 2 glasses - and can fit it in without wanting to binge/overeat/insert everything else negative you hear about alcohol and weightloss here, is it really a bad thing?

    On the days I allow for wine, I do ok on all my protein/fat/carbs. I know I *could* choose healthier calories, but if all my basics are being met, in YOUR opinion, should I give up my wine?

    Log the wine.

    If you want to drink wine, drink it. Just ensure you log it :flowerforyou:
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    Calories are different depending on where you are getting them from. Such as calories from beer affect you different that calories from eggs, but it is not going to ruin your diet if you drink.
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 343 Member
    You don't have to give up wine altogether, but just remember it's not just about calories it's also about nutrition, and alcohol has no nutritional value as far as I know.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    -alcohol could slow your metabolism down by 70%

    hmmmmm...really? where did you hear this?
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    "Studies show that even small amounts of alcohol have a large impact on fat metabolism. Dropping whole body lipid oxidation (a measure of how much fat your body is burning) by up to 73%!"

    I'm hoping someone says (with proof) that this is bollocks because I just received an 18 year old Single Malt as a birthday present. :laugh:

    I suppose once I'm at my target, it isn't such an issue, as I just have to eat fewer calories than I would normally.

    At the moment, I regard alcoholic drinks as something of a once-a-month treat. I guess it depends on how serious you are about your goals.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    -alcohol could slow your metabolism down by 70%

    Its not about the calories so much as it is about how it slows down your ability to metabolize all the OTHER calories when your body gets them. Its like anything else your body does. You could probably do any particular task better after one glass of wine than if you had several.

    Just drink in moderation.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    "Studies show that even small amounts of alcohol have a large impact on fat metabolism. Dropping whole body lipid oxidation (a measure of how much fat your body is burning) by up to 73%!"

    I'm hoping someone says (with proof) that this is bollocks because I just received an 18 year old Single Malt as a birthday present. :laugh:

    I suppose once I'm at my target, it isn't such an issue, as I just have to eat fewer calories than I would normally.

    At the moment, I regard alcoholic drinks as something of a once-a-month treat. I guess it depends on how serious you are about your goals.

    from the article- In this study, eight men were given two drinks of vodka and lemonade separated by 30 minutes. Each drink contained just under 90 calories. Fat metabolism was measured before and after consumption of the drink.

    this is from a guy trying to sell his diet.

    not a very big study and seems to be saying if you drink a simple carb your body will use that as energy before using stored fat...same could be said for an energy drink or fruit before a workout I imagine
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Alcohol is horrible for your diet...much more than the whole calories in vs out deal.

    - You drink
    - You make bad decisions usually and eat bad as well
    - You wake up feeling hungover
    - No workout that day or really eating great

    Thats not everyone, but that is what alcohol does to me....
  • emily_kenyon
    emily_kenyon Posts: 76 Member
    I think everyone is different but for me i dont count alcohol in with my calories i do only drink sometimes once a week. If i found i wasnt lossing weight i might of looked at the drink but beacuse i am i think it works for me.

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  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I just log it. I agree with the others, if this is a long term change you have to be able to live with it. There are many health benefits to alcohol so if it doesn't stall your progress I say go for it.
  • jadeb94
    jadeb94 Posts: 13 Member
    You don't have to give up wine altogether, but just remember it's not just about calories it's also about nutrition, and alcohol has no nutritional value as far as I know.

    Actually, the liver breaks alcohol molecules down, and one of the products of this process is keto acid, which can be used in respiration, i.e to provide you with energy. It's respired in much te same way as a carbohydrate molecule. The energy gained is just not as high and the process of breaking alcohol down deposits fatty substance on the liver however, and it stops the liver carrying out its other important functions. That is one of the reasons alcohol is bad for you, but I wouldn't say it has no nutritional value if it can give you energy, just my POV.
  • sdevan45
    sdevan45 Posts: 74 Member
    Alcohol in moderation has benefits. So far, my head hasn't exploded and my liver hasn't shifted out of place. All my measured blood test numbers are fine. I lost 90 lbs while having a couple of drinks a week. The key to all of this (including other foods) is moderation. And logging.

    BTW, some studies have shown that low sugared alcohol (vodka, scotch, etc.) may help with Type II diabetes as it slows the liver's production of sugars while its breaking down the alcohol.

    All foods have both good and bad aspects. The much vaunted blueberry is high in sugar. Quinoa has a lot of carbs...... and so on A varied, high quality diet that keeps your macronutrients with a fairly reasonable range is probably your best strategy. It also frees you from obsessing over a percent of something here or there.
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    You do not have to give up wine, it is perfectly fine IIFYMs. 1-2 glasses of wine is an ideal amount for getting the cardiovascular and appetite supressing benefits of alcohol. I'll go a few nights each week drinking a glass or two of red wine. Alcohol doesn't hinder fat/weight loss, but excess calories do

    Yes, the liver takes priority over metabolizing alcohol but 24 hour nutrition and a calorie deficit is what dictates fatloss. I don't think most people here don't understand how the liver works...if your liver function gets compromised you turn yellow and develop jaundice. Does this ever happen when you have 1-2 glasses of wine? I didn't think so...

    Enough with the hypochondriac nonsense and buzz words like "impaired liver function"
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 343 Member
    You don't have to give up wine altogether, but just remember it's not just about calories it's also about nutrition, and alcohol has no nutritional value as far as I know.

    Actually, the liver breaks alcohol molecules down, and one of the products of this process is keto acid, which can be used in respiration, i.e to provide you with energy. It's respired in much te same way as a carbohydrate molecule. The energy gained is just not as high and the process of breaking alcohol down deposits fatty substance on the liver however, and it stops the liver carrying out its other important functions. That is one of the reasons alcohol is bad for you, but I wouldn't say it has no nutritional value if it can give you energy, just my POV.

    That's really interesting! I suppose my point was that it's only a problem if you're replacing food with alcohol and if your calories are about 1200 then it's actually quite a high proportion of your daily calorie intake.

    As the poster above said, moderation in all things, and keep an eye on the macros!