The summer of sabotage

kbirky73 Posts: 110
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have blown it temporarily!

Between my kids and their summer activities, family cook-outs, family from out of town spending the week with us ... More calories have been consumed in the past month ... and NO EXERCISE time at all. Now a single work out in the month of August. NOT ONE!!!

It's been going down hill since late May to be honest. I got tired of exercising so much ... and eating right all the time.

I began sneaking late night cheese snacks from the deli-cheese in my fridge ... and not giving a crap at all.

At my lowest, I had gotten down to 125.6 and I almost thought i was perfectly OK there.

But it's weird ... i almost feel like i am right back to 152 when i started this. Pictures are even looking bad again ... and then I stepped on the scale ... and i was 129.6.

OK .. i realize that 4lbs isn't the end of the world, but on a little person like myself ... i really feel like it's showing.


I am BACK!!!

Beginning again today!! I honestly bumped my weight up .. and believe me .. that's so hard to do, but i think i am determined more than ever to see myself at 115-lbs before Halloween but I realize that may be stretching a little.



  • justdoingit
    justdoingit Posts: 185 Member
    I did exactly the same thing over the summer! To make things worse, I found out my scale was off by 5lbs in the wrong direction :explode: Then I got sick for about one week and stopped working out altogether for the rest of July and into August. Kids are back in school, went for a walk this morning, and am putting in my food today.

    The one thing I was surprised about was that I actually lost 1.2lbs over that whole time, I was shocked! I thought I had gained 3-5. Now, it is time to get back on that horse....
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