Workout Nausea?

Workouts have begun to make me really nauseous and I’m wondering if I need to add something to my diet to make it stop considering the following factors:

I take a multivitamin and a fiber pill every morning.

I exercise around midday when my son takes a nap, so by then I’ve already had breakfast and my first snack. Breakfast is always 2 eggs and 1 serving of deli sliced ham (about 6 slices). I drink 12oz of water before breakfast, 12oz with breakfast. My snack is normally 1oz of cheese, ¼ cheerios or something similar. With it I have another 12oz of water.

My cardio is DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) for 45 – 60 minutes and according to my HRM, burn about 600 – 750 calories respectively. It requires a lot of up and down movement, and on the difficulty setting I have, it’s like hard jogging (sometimes sprinting) for 2 – 4 minute bursts. I drink about 24oz of water during the time I workout.

This is the random part – SOMETIMES I’m affected, sometimes I’m not. Like yesterday, I was completely fine through the whole hour, no problems. Today, I got about 15 minutes in and I felt like I was going to throw up, so I had to stop. Nothing about my diet changed between yesterday and today.

I took a ginger pill so hopefully I will be able to get back to it in a half hour or so, but this is silly! Is there anything I can add to my diet that will make this better? You may have noticed the lack of carbs – but its because I’m insulin resistant due to PCOS, so I’m limited to 25 carbs/day.

Any help would be appreciated. :flowerforyou:


  • LEllie
    LEllie Posts: 4
    I have a problem with this while jogging/running races! It could be because your not use to working out that hard and your body reacts or if I drink or eat to much before or during I can get bad cramps and through up! But you should talk to a dietitian or your doctor cause if it happens chronically it could be something serious!
    Have a great day!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Sometimes if I drink too much water during workout by the end of it I feel nauseated, it feels like it is just sitting on my stomach.
  • crystal3000
    When getting in shape your body has to adjust. On those days when you push yourself a little harder than ususal you might feel that way..It is a normal feeling when your working out really hard..It happened to me when I use to run track but as soon as I was in shape I was fine....It will get better don't stop and keep moving forward...
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If you have success with the ginger, why not have some ginger ale on hand to sip before and during your workout.
  • proctor0828
    For me it's usually one of 2 things... dehydration or eating something to heavy during the day defore my workouts.... be sure that when you drink during a workout that you take deep breathes before you sip or your heavy breathing could cause you to take air into your stomach to which might cause nausia
  • KimberlyKurtz
    I found that my vitamins were making me nausea when I took them before i ate. That may be the reason. Once I started taking them with a meal it went away.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    You may want to evaluate the time you take your vitamins. A lot of people have reactions to vitamins. You may want to take them at night before bed or with dinner and see if that changes anything for you.

    Otherwise, dizziness, fatigue and nausea are reactions from your body to a great deal of things, including a new exertion level, change in diet or calorie intake all the way up to heart problems. My best advice would be to see if a change to the vitamin regimen helps over the next few days and otherwise since no one here is really qualified to give this type of advice the mayo clinic web site, web md and many other sites I checked out before replying highly recommend getting a physical to make sure your truly healthy enough to take on an exercise and diet routine. Sounds crazy but you never know, thats why they make kids get physicals each year BEFORE they can participate in sports at schools.

    Better safe than sorry :wink:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Is there a difference in what you ate between a day you felt ok and a day you didn't? More sugar, lower carbs, your water intake? Watch for a pattern and see. And as was suggested, it could be that some days you "give" more during your workout.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I find drinking coconut water helps, the workout nausea and the migraine. Eating potassium rich foods may help - legumes, cantaloupe...