Jillian Michaels 30 day shred

Just about to start this tonight. What are the results like? It says up to 20lb in 30 days. I am not a fool and I know this probably isn't going to be the case. It appears to be inch loss rather than weight loss.

Any one care to share there results?


  • I tried this about 5 times!! I got to about day 10, stopped a week then went back to the beginning again! It is a mini intense work out and if you have the motivation to do it every day I think you will get good results! I can see how you will anyway.
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    I started doing it everyday for the first week but the cardio part is so high impact I can only do it about once or twice a week as it aggravates my achilles. I now do level 2 if I am struggling to get any other exercise in - not attempted level 3 yet lol!! If you search for 30 day shred on the forum there are quite a lot of topics which show the results.
  • Skeeweesummer98
    Skeeweesummer98 Posts: 15 Member
    I began the 30 Day Shred on June 1, 2012. I'm now on my 5th day of level 2. I have not lost any pounds but I some inches. I was able to purchase a smaller size dress last night and my clothes are fitting differently. It's a really good workout.
  • mightyminerva
    mightyminerva Posts: 145 Member
    Later today I'll be doing day 3 of level 1, and I'm trying this for the first time.

    I've heard that people tend to lose major inches but not a huge amount of weight. While my goal is to lose weight, I love the workouts because they're short and I can see the changes from day one to day 10 in a level. I think doing this will help me with other exercise programmes that will help me drop weight more quickly.

    Here's a before and after thread: https://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/600913-the-ultimate-before-and-after-30-day-shred-thread?page=3
  • Bri_Becq
    Bri_Becq Posts: 146 Member
    I do day 7 today.. it is AMAZING.. it will push your body to the limit. It is not INSANE like Insanity or P90X but I think it is a great starter program that will benefit any level of fitness.. it's like 23 minutes of intensity, but if you give it your all, you WILL see results.. I can feel the difference... I went to CVS on the 4th day and the Arizona gallons were on sale. I grabbed 2 and as I was holding 1 on each hand, I wanted to place them down because I figured my arms would start hurting, NEGATIVE. I was able to hold both gallons like they were feathers. You can definitely feel your body changing. BUT YOU MUST GIVE IT YOUR ALL. & believe me, you're going to HATE her with your ALL lOl. I think it's AMAZING!!! And I'm buying her other DVDs... I'm taking it one at a time.. GO FOR IT!!!
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    I've completed it once and months later (after I fell WAY off the wagon) am doing it again (a few days into level 2). From what I've read and experience personally, the victories aren't seen on the scale with most people. But, the inches? Everyone who does it (and does it for real) notices a dramatic change in both shape, size and stamina. It's the best half hour investment of my day, that's for sure.
    I'm going to do Ripped in 30 after this...
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    The first time I did it I lost maybe 3 lbs and something like 5 or 7 inches cannot remember. I am halfway through my second round and have lost about a pound & 1/2 but wasn't going to measure until I am done. I am also walking 2 to 3 miles a day this time.

    It is an awesome workout. Regardless of how many pounds or inches you lose you will be stronger & more toned & pretty darn proud of yourself for sticking it out.

    The first time I did it I used 3lb weights. This time I am using 5lb.

    You will be VERY sore the first 3 days especially if you really push yourself. You WILL start to feel much better on day 4 so push through.

    Stretch more afterwards. She does not do enough.

    Drink lots of water so your muscles can repair themselves. The scale may even go up the first couple of weeks. This is your muscles retaining water. It is normal. Do not get frustrated about it just keep going.

    Feel free to add me for support.
  • I do it 5 days a week with zumba the other 2 days. I am on day 6 of level 3 now and still love it. It is definitely a hard workout but it is only 30 mins and I have found the results amazing. My abs are flatter now than they have ever been before. I have gone down a lot of inches since starting it and I have been recommending it to everyone :)