i have a question i REALLY need answered.

southernletteXO Posts: 20
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
okay so i've been eating little things all day. in total, i've eaten about 418 calories all day.
i just got done working out nd from what my treadmill tells me, i burned 406 calores., which brought my total calorie count to 1350 something.

So here's my question: do i need to eat the whole 1350 something calories i have left for dinner nd snacks?


  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Why have you only eaten 400+ calories so far?? You should eat all your calories, spread evenly through out your day so your body has adequate energy to function. But to answer your question, you should eat as many of those calories as you can tonight. It may help to plan your meals the day before so you can spread your calories out a little better!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Do you get up late and go to bed late? If you eat a snack now and then dinner 2 hours later then another snack before bed you should be able to make the 1300.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    You should definitely eat at least up to your daily allowance, which I assume is 1200 before exercise. I wouldn't cram myself with food today if I felt overly full, but tomorrow you have to eat more!! Your body's going to be all lethargic and go into a panic if you don't!
  • i'm not quite sure why i've eaten so little.
    i don't like eating when i'm not hungry nd for some reason today, i just was not hungry !

    so i ate a turkey nd cheese sandwich, a peach, nd a cottage doubles. nd then i worked out. nd just a few minutes ago, after i posted my question, my heart started racing, i started shaking nd feeling really nauseous. so i went nd ate something. it scared me so bad. so i don't think i'll be doing that again :sad:

    i would plan meals for the next day, but i never know what i'm going to be doing that day so its extremely hard for me to do that.
  • estherguas
    estherguas Posts: 113 Member
    I always keep Boars head turkey and chicken in the fridge so I always have a quick meal option even on the go.. you can also try snacking on dry cereal or special k crackers, I also try to keep a piece of fruit or a special k bar in my purse just in case.
  • If it helps, pack a few items in your fridge that are easy to take with you in a lunch bag or purse....granola bars, string beans, carrot sticks, crackers, yogurt, almonds.

    I usually bring a lunch bag with me to work with a few healthy snacks so that I can think about eating throughout the day with some healthy options. Remember to eat enough a couple hours before your work out (if later in the day) so that you have at least some calories to work with!

    I am in the forces and I've had a lot of training and exercise in the past that has been challenging and I've had those symptoms you've given. Snacks and meals really go a long way to a long term healthy relationship with your body!

  • yeah i do the packing thing when i know i'm going somewhere, but i'm talking about like FULL meals. i can pack small things and eat them. but if i run out of that stuff, nd i need a full meal, i'm forced to eat out.

    i'm one of those people that would rather eat at home because i can count my calories easier.
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